Sunday, October 11, 2015

Beauiful Sisters

What is coming now, is in the night, while fully awake there is a Mary type of energy dressed in a white flowing gown. She takes one hand/arm at a time (as my hands and arms have had much pain) and with her lilly white hands made of light, massages them gently. She then goes to the left shoulder where it seems to be locked up and moves in a rotative manner to dispel the knots there. Her presence is gentle and sweet. She is very much adept in her healing and can move through the solid form as if made of pure awareness. She also placed some ointment in a wrapping and wrapped my shoulder with that. The ointment was made of light.

There is another nun with her. Her habit is white and black - a similar light energy in her love and full presence of attending to the form.
Then i felt a nuns habit on my face and form (black and white) and a cross on my forehead as well as a rosary around my neck. The sisters said to me that in my past lives i have never been a nun, but i am now a true nun. This is due to sacrifice and pain. I was not understanding why this christening of sorts came to me this way and in this manner. I did hear Bernadette of Lourdes in my mind, but i have never associated myself with this kind of thing. Not even close. Then what was said is that these visions and all associated with it would come now and then be done and there would be stillness of heart and mind (in this lifetime). They told me to "embrace it well". That my Guru was right to say that. They said, then the final phase of the moon would enter in for me (the full moon) and there would be completion.

Then i found myself weeping, holding my hands in prayer to my forehead and saying, "Thank you for blessing me sisters. Thank you for the grace, beautiful sisters".
I did ask if others could receive this blessing of light and the Mary energy put her finger to her mouth to say it is a mystery and made again the gesture of open arms. I heard, for those that are in love with God.

Precious souls, i know this sounds very odd and to me to. Please do not think in any way that i am making this up for that makes me ache inside. I am being true in my conveying of these experiences and want to say that spirit will not be understood by your mind. It cannot be compared with your experiences or come into alignment with your identity that you hold. It is so beyond this understanding of limited mind that it does not get taken in. So very heartbreaking.

Please be aware deeply that this coming is transient and will not remain in this form and manner. It is a precious jewel that is not to be trampled on.
I did not know in any shape or form what was to emerge in the light and by association with the light/Guru... I am not looking for this nor do i desire to keep it going. It will come with grace and die away with grace, but the heart of hearts, this remains always, strong, vibrant, bright.

May you all be blessed with love, light and freedom.

This poem came during this experience. Om shanti.

                                                Beautiful sisters of the light.
                                                Beautiful sisters of the dove.
                                                Beautiful sister of the whole.
                                                Beautiful sister of the heart.


  1. Namaste, beautiful experience, thank you for sharing this gentle healing presence. OM

  2. Namaste, you are so welcome .. om shanti

  3. Namaste - wow phenomenal things happening here! Thank you for sharing this experience. May we all embrace this special time and move forward on our journeys!

  4. Namaste, it is a very deep feeling to be reading this experience. Very thankful for this. A very powerful stilling comes with it. Like the bottom drops, or someone put a heavy hand on the head and said: Don't move now. Om shanti

  5. Namaste, it is powerful -- good it is penetrating and helping to still the mind.. shanti om

  6. Namaste...thank you, this sounds like a remarkable experience. Such blessings. .thank you!

  7. Namaste- Thank you for sharing again, always apprectiated..Om
