Sunday, October 4, 2015

heart friend, nature

i grew up in the Seattle area where
you looked was beautiful nature 
lush and glorious
the blooming of each season was like a bright 
i spent so much time outside amongst nature 
with kundalini rising and all that came with that 
this was very much part of the path for me 
it offered a reprieve from the worldly way 
and drama 
it offered a reprieve from the difficulties of the 
it offered a reprieve from the responsibilities 
it offered a reprieve from the confines of 
being indoors 
it offered a reprieve from being social
it offered silence, aloneness and contemplation
it offered everything in the way of beauty 
and asked for nothing 
it is like this, nature 
healing, beautiful, vibrant, mysterious
without this time, i cannot say this journey 
would have been at all the same for me
though the path certainly is an essential 
but the long, long hours in nature 
was like a heart friend for me 
and still is 


  1. Namaste yes I have really enjoyed nature lately loving the beach in Florida.

  2. namaste, i am with you on that shanti

  3. Namaste, that is so true about nature, always refreshing. thank you. OM

  4. is very important to me too. Now that my eyes are opened to see the intricate beauty that is there. ..very nice. Thank you.

  5. Namaste, I enjoy nature, although can get out more and smell the air and the rain and feel the changing seasons. Thank you for reminding. Omm.

  6. Namaste- Being in nature is a blessing indeed...Om
