Friday, October 16, 2015

Continuing imagery..

Friday, 10/16 2015

imagery this morning

all sorts of cherry blossoms reflected of different colors and varieties..
this went on for awhile
then, a geyser like spring come forward from the ground, growing tall and large with great power..
it unearthed the cherry blossom trees...
within the water, one could see the bits of blossoms being lifted up in that great spring... what was heard was, "new life is coming"....
then, the consciousness was brought below the surface of the earth .. the rocks opened up and  bright light broke through...
i was looking at the hole, staring down at it, when it became dark and very deep, like a tunnel..
my mind asked, what is down there? and what sprang forward was a flower rising up and becoming darkened and then moving more to the side ...
i was kind of floating there at this point and what came forward was a young girl.. it felt as if she just rose out from my being... i could see the back of her hair, it was golden and long... her dress was so sweet with sparkles.. she had a bright ribbon in her hair .. she was like a beautiful, innocent angel, untouched, completely free of any darkening of sorrow or any experience of earthly type of existence  .. she simply floated away into the cosmos -- odd feeling and it felt almost as if it was my true innocent self, girl-like, sweet.. preserved like this eternally.. it was a joyful kind of feeling ...
this is the end of this imagery...

off and on through the day, there is the feeling/image that earth is being placed on my feet for grounding and substance... this happens at random times, like when driving, walking, doesn't matter...

The Mary imagery is mostly distant, now and then emerges mostly very thin..

There is also some odd new imagery of seeing Guruji dancing like the Siva tandeva in her new shirt she made... she is stomping her feet hard, like spanish type of dance, then she whirls around and around.. and i heard, "she is dancing on ego's head", but she doesn't know it .. she is not conscious of it as she is light... this will happen to you too Siddhananda... you two are one...
Her image is clearer than seeing her in the daylight with the brightest sun.. she is whirling and spinning like the dancing dervish.. then her material on her shirt is looks like a spinning top..
I asked her if she was dizzy today from doing all this dancing and she did not know of course what i was talking about -- then i told her and she said, "see, i will never get out of working." We decided to call the dance, the "ego stomp"... a good name...
also, there was an image of her essence being brought close to me and it felt as if there was communication through the heart, then i heard, "she can't hear you yet."... it feels maybe some communication channels are being opened for later, but no one can say... i did tell her about this, she said, she wasn't sure, but found the whole thing interesting ...  just part of the unfolding transient nature of things...

very tired today as haven't slept well ... never a dull moment -- Guruji says she feels mostly the same everyday within, just quiet and never gets entertainment from thoughts even...
that sounds pretty good right now to me...

may all be well and om


  1. Namaste - so fascinating... what a journey for you!

    1. Namaste, no thoughts sounds good too here now. Pretty exhausted from all the drama. Just like some peace and quiet please. Omm.

  2. Namaste. Thank you for sharing this. How wonderful that your innocent self made her appearance in such a beautiful way. I enjoyed the vision of Guruji and the conversation with her about it. It reminded me of the laughter during so many of the new phase videos. During my morning break, today this came up, missing the daily sessions and the laughter. The weighty mixed with the lightness. Wishing you and Guruji a restful night's slumber. om shanti.

  3. Namaste, "ego stomp" - very appropriate name! Thank you for sharing this. OM
    - ravi

  4. Namaste, thank you both -- yes i told Guruji about the "new life is coming" imagery and she said, see you get the previews of coming attractions before the main event... she said, she never got that .. anyway, just giving a little more of the flow of conversations, this is how it goes hahaha... shanti om

  5. Namaste...yes somehow not surprising to hear about the "ego stomp"...
    Today I must say I've been very touched by you. ..thank you for sharing all this.
