it tastes of created and uncreated in one
it tastes of stillness and presence
it tastes of life as it truly is
how it tastes of sweet joy
and love everlasting
put your lips to it dear seeker
taste it's fine flavor
it will not leave a residue of suffering
it will bring to your heart true life
which is undying
how you have not understood this treasure
of yours that is there to be tasted
but have turned it away again and again
how you have not felt it's sweet ripe beauty
in your veins and on your breath
if you take it in with quietude
then it sits and lives as truth
and will open up the one to the mind
how it sits ready to be savored
and is not to be as an object to be owned
it is your very soul dear
how can you take that which you already have?
just let the mind sink into it
and do not come back to taste of the world
but sink in
sink in
Namaste. Thank you. OM