a man lived in a country
where there was only good
he lived there quite easily for
a long time ...
but eventually began to grow restless within
and then sought to know
something other than this..
he sought to know what brought pleasure to him
and gave him something to call his own..
he sought to be *known* and given attention
for being who he was
he was not satisfied just being and living in joy
and light as a soul that was not different
he looked to find a way to move into a place that
he could be like *he* wanted and not
like the free being way of where he was..
he decided to leave this place of freedom
and seek out a way to bolster himself up
he packed his bags in the evening and began to walk out
of the place of freedom
a man asked him where he was going
and he said to somewhere *other*
for i am not noticed here as the man that i am
i am not recognized here so i must go and find
that which brings something to me
that feels better than this..
the man that was living in freedom said
you have not loved this land of of freedom
as yourself
you have set it apart from you and looked away
from the simplicity and beauty that is here
this freedom land is very peaceful if one can settle in
and be here, not restless looking about for something
that is outside of here ...
my friend, you can go if you choose, but know that you will
encounter a lot of mischief in your soul when you seek to
be something other than this ...
the man that was determined to go said
i am going away
i seek to be recognized as someone that is not of this freedom place
i have nothing here ...
i have nothing that i can call mine ...
i am a nobody and feel very much ready to move on...
okay friend, if you must, but know it will be a long road for you
out there if you are to look away from this land of freedom
because it is in your soul and in your heart
it is not to leave you...
you leave it, by your choice to be affirmed somewhere in the world..
i am sorrowful for you, but may the best be on your journey...
here is some bread to take --
eat it and remember the land of freedom that is in your heart...
the man took it and said okay, thank you, and left
he walked on quite miserable and in confusion
he ate the bread when he was hungry and when he did
he remembered the land of freedom
and he longed to go back
he walked on though looking for a place to be noticed
and taken in...
he rested very unsettled and felt lonely away from the land of freedom
yet he walked on and on ...
until he came to a house with a light on
he knocked on the door --
a lady answered and said, hello, can i help you
the wandering man said, i am so very lost --
i left the land of freedom in search of something other ..
now i am at a loss for what to do...
i cannot forget this land of freedom, yet i desire to be a man of the
world in which i am recognized and loved and found to be knowledgeable
the lady said, oh my, you left the land of freedom --
this is not a good thing dear ...
for i have never been there and so desire to go ...
i am so very much wanting to be free and feel at rest...
my heart aches all the time in this place of the world ...
pray tell me how to find the land of freedom...
i am very much aghast that you would leave, for it is my souls desire to go there...
the man broke out in tears and said,
this place i am not sure of how to find again...
i have lost my direction there and have very little energy to seek it out..
can i sleep here and we will find a way to return tomorrow...
the woman agreed
she found him a nice room and he fell asleep exhausted from his travels
he dreamed of a great white horse that came to him
and looked him in the face and almost felt as if this
beautiful creature spoke to his soul
to say -- my friend get on and ride to the place of the sun
where all hearts melt together as one
where the body is gone and the world that appears as a dream is shed
and the living light of all is front and center
(the peace that passes understanding) ..
and the man felt himself to get up slowly and then float onto the horse
where they rode away at a fast clip...
and though he knew not his way there ...
the horse found the land of freedom swiftly and stopped at the place so
familiar and yet so very unknown in the way of being
completely different than the place he just left...
he got off the horse and greeted all there as if he never left ...
his heart was light, so very light ...
right away he felt the difference of being calm and quiet and not
bothered so by pulling desires and intrusions of mental waves
and he said, oh my -- what was i thinking? what was i doing
desiring to be away?...
for i now have experienced the startling difference
between restless longing and seeking ...
and have no desire to leave this peace that is here
i am yoked to this
beauty of o ne everlastingly...
what grace to go away and come back...
my eyes are now open and not complacent --
he walked through the land, like a man of new birth...
and then he awoke with a start --
the sun was rising over the mountains and he could smell food cooking...
he walked into the room where the lady was standing
the lady said, we can get an early start this morning to head on to our destination
the man smiled and said, yes.....
we will head out today...
and not return here ...
and he ate a hearty breakfast..
a gentle, quiet calm filling him as he ate...
a pure presence coming forward in the very place he sat..
and he laughed to himself...
in knowing this peace is right here
and he need not go anywhere...
yet he got up and took his bags
and said to the lady, let's go...
and off they went...
never to return...
a pure presence coming forward in the very place he sat..
and he laughed to himself...
in knowing this peace is right here
and he need not go anywhere...
yet he got up and took his bags
and said to the lady, let's go...
and off they went...
never to return...
Namaste, "What Grace to go away and come back" Circle of life maybe? not sure. Very heart touching writing, specially when reading about the beautiful white horse. Thank you for continual grace. OM
ReplyDeleteNamaste, thank you for this beautiful writing and for all the writings here. they have been a great aid to me bringing clarity at all places and times. Om.
ReplyDeletenamaste, grace is ever-present -- does not go and come back... stillness gets covered over, but even within karma (or mind) there is grace as it gives a chance for a wake up call...om shanti
ReplyDeletenamaste, thank you for your comment -- and glad to hear the writing is beneficial... om shanti
ReplyDeleteNamaste- Thank you again..Om