Saturday, April 27, 2013

equal in all hearts...

in the way of saying i am right 
then what is wrong?
in the way of saying i am wrong
then what is right?
the mind compares this way 
but what is it compared against?
another concept that it has created
from nothing ...

my friends,
see how evanescent mind is 
and so not made of anything true
it has no substance and only is a projection
that is to bind 
if taken to be real..
no matter how, good bad or 
innocent it appears.. it is still movement...
there are many waves in the ocean
great and small...
but still they are waves, movement..
and cannot be called settled, calm --
and still...
and only this stillness is what will 
bring awakening...
not an insight (no matter how amazing 

the sea is the WHOLE --
the living which is the absolute 
not this or that ...
it stands alone without a rival
without a thing that it can be compared against..
even in the way of thinking -- * i am at peace and rest *
is a wave that brings forth illusion
for the absolute does not speak
it has nothing to say about anything 
it is completely still and ever present...
the mind wants to make a claim on reality
but never can this be the truth..
for no-one can claim what is eternal...
and within all hearts equally..


  1. Namaste Siddhananda Ji

    (the mind wants to make a claim on reality
    but never can this be the truth..
    for no-one can claim what is eternal...
    and within all hearts equally..)
    So i can't possess anything yet i run around trying to accumulate things until I realize the eternal
    Om Shanti

  2. Namaste, Truth has nothing to do with *things* .. it is of spirit and light which is not about anything personal -- One can live surrounded by things, yet if the mind is still and at peace, remain unaffected by this... it is the attachment, grasping and personalizing of what is here that creates suffering (not the thing itself)... When grasping and attachment are dissolved, life goes on the same, only without suffering ... om shanti

  3. Namaste. Thank you for the purity of this truth.


  4. namaste, you are welcome.. shanti om

  5. Namaste, and yet again a very mind stilling effect when reading. Gives one a break, like a sweet nectare to quinch the thurst. Thank you so very much for this continual Grace. OM

  6. Namaste - it just flows ... very good to hear of the mind stilling .. shanti om

  7. Namaste- Thank you for the pointings..Om
