Tuesday, April 23, 2013


forgive me, says the man holding up his hands
i have not lived rightly or been true to my soul
i have gotten lost in the waves of mind and rushed
ahead of myself
lost in the world
forgive me dear lord for this

what is there is in this world that will right the wrongs?
there is nothing outside of one that will do this..
to look to the exterior will only serve to further
substantiate separation
prayer and forgiveness may serve a good
purpose on some level (if put forward
with the right heart)...
but to confront the ego
and wash away suffering, it will not do..
much (if not all) of prayer is self-serving...
commit an unethical act and then seek to be forgiven
what is this?
if one begins to live fully in honesty, integrity and transparency..
there is nothing to forgive as one's life is kept clean within
and without...
prayer will never serve to confront the source of suffering
which is ego..
it only serves to comfort the ego -- and soothe it away
and there are some that use the prayer as a substitute
for upright conduct --
this is not okay...
but for many, prayer simply mollifies the soul..
and with no true action and pure intent behind the prayer..
the energy placed there will soon dissipate..
then praying becomes simply another comforter to cling to
to begin to *see*
one needs to stand upright and sturdy
and take an honest look within..
and clean up the life first and foremost...
and when this is done then-
one is to look clearly at the mind..
observe the drama within with equanimity..
watch it rise and fall...
from where does this mind come?
to where does this mind return?
all the while *living* the path or
if not on the path living a pure life that is upstanding in character..
if one is not a *living* example of good and pure character
and continues on a wayward course..
what will forgiveness do?
and who is to forgive who?
look within your own soul dear friends of the spirit
your world is only created by thoughts and actions
and nothing more...
look at this and not outward into a God that will save
and pass out rewards and punishments at a later time...
this is to keep the mind projecting and creating ..
and procrastinating truly...
you are here now..
this is all that is needed to know..
so what is this life?
what is *your* soul in truth?
find out this
and all is absolved and rectified at once..
then the light can shine
and make this world a brighter place for all


  1. Namaste, Thank you! Very inward pointing. Good reminder of being in the moment. OM

  2. namaste, you are welcome... shanti om

  3. Namaste- Thank you for the pointing's..Om
