Thursday, April 18, 2013

heart jewel..

as the sea is filled with wondrous life 
so this heart is filled with unending grace 
as the sun shines on the world 
and sheds beauty and warmth without discrimination
so this atman shines so very glorious in the heart 
as a singular light that is impersonal
as the tree spreads it's branches far and wide 
to give shade to the passerby
so the atman is forever living and gives peace 
to the soul that is to come into it with love..
as the cave sits in the heart of the rock
in protection from the world and it's coming 
and going 
so the heart is protected from the winds of maya
and remains untouched and pure always
as the flower grows with nourishment and light 
so the soul opens to the truth with tending and care 
as the pearl sits in the heart of the oyster 
so the diver that is too seek himself pries open the mind 
to find the crest jewel of wisdom 
that is non-dual in nature 
as the lion prowls in the forest looking for food 
so the seeker sets his mind solely on the goal
to find the sustenance that is lasting 
as the well of clear water rests deep down 
and quenches the thirst
so the the truth that rests deep under the coverings
brings immediate refreshment to the soul
as the wind drives the clouds from the sky
so does the mind purify itself 
with inquiry, Guru's grace and teachings