Monday, August 26, 2013

Sri Anandamayi ma

Sri Anandamayi ma was a saint that bore no marks
of ignorance in her being from a very early age 
she was like Christ in her soul
for she had not entered into the experience that soiled 
the heart 
when she came to the earth, she lived in a small dwelling 
with her family 
she soaked in the energies of the pure teachings without 
really reading
for she was like an open heart in which 
the rivers of truth flowed in 
there was no resistance in her soul to being made like God 
she did not know any other way of being
besides being within quietude
and as a perfect heart of love 
when one was near her, the heavens would open 
and she would sit serene in splendour as a flower 
that was eternally awake 
when she moved,
her halo was there, following about her form 
unsoiled was this one 
she lived in a way that was not really always present to the world 
as she would go very far into herself so that she seemed like not 
even there 
when she was young, she would move about more
lost in the forces of grace
and be with many to give darshan 
she would smile and praise the non-dual scriptures 
and sing of the pure self always without waver
she was a saint that needed her disciples 
to care for her when she got older 
she would be taken care of and bathed and fed 
and adorned with flowers and song from her bhaktas 
she would sit completely gone as if drowned in bliss and light 
and not in her form really like a one that is fully functional
but this, my friends was what was needed at that time 
for her devotees to take care of her 
and sing of the light that is in the soul and adorn and love the absolute 
it was right for them and they found joy in her presence
her eyes would well up with tears when shiva bhajans were sung 
she would smile in delight and then would be still with eyes looking up
or vacant really, lost in truth and light and love 
when she passed, there was a great celebration of her time here on earth 
she was celebrated for her serene countenance and flowing words, 
and still presence that was absolutely surrendered from  her first steps 
on earth it seamed 
a glorious presence and sweet soul that was here once in form
but now as always rests within God essence 
spotless, within joy and eternal peace 
Sri Anandamayi ma


  1. Namaste, another beautiful and inspirational writing. Thank you! OM Shanti

  2. Namaste, you are welcome -- grace simply moves the hands it seems and the words flow out.. great day and om
