Sunday, August 25, 2013

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Krishnamurti was born to a woman that was psychic
she made time for her son
to talk to him about the spirit and she did so 
with great love and feeling
Krishnamurti was a very different boy
from a young age, he would often be found
standing staring
for hours at nothing at all
and his brother would haveto lead him home 
as he looked rather lost to himself
he spent much time at home 
for he was not well so much 
his body was frail and would take to odd illnesses 
very easily
his mother died early on
and the boy would spend time listening to her 
speak to him after she was gone 
about reincarnation and much deep spiritual matters 
he soaked it in like an open vessel it seamed 
in his young adulthood Krishnamurti had many, 
many spiritual experiences
he would sometimes be in trances or find his 
consciousness in the clouds or lose body consciousness 
and speak in tongues in which poetry would flow forth
or words would flow from another realm beyond the physical
he would sometimes be overtaken by great emotion and crying 
and then be fine as if nothing occurred
not an easy life this one had
he had much bodily pain and illness and endured hardships 
with the kundalini phenomena that was very extreme
but he said he didn't mind and endured it all with humour 
and was energetic and light in his presence
when he spoke to the audience, he would speak of how 
this world of me and mine does not exist 
how it is like a dream .. a fabrication of mind 
he would speak in spontaneous words and movements 
sometimes somber.. other times very playful and lively
Krishnamurti showed a great love for nature
he sat in nature so very much alone and would wander the hills
of india or in the states and sit amongst the 
animals and forests completely at peace  
without ever feeling a division there 
and never with any fear, even when dangerous animals were near
such as tigers, monkeys and bears
he would be at peace sitting with them and all was well
Krishnamurti spoke to his devotees about the non-dual consciousness 
but he did so by attempting to engage a dialogue of sorts 
which was not the best way to break down the mind
though his being rested in the source and he went thru the 
fires of purification (kundalini) and he surrendered there with his heart 
he was not able to be fully effective in breaking down the mind 
and most that he attracted were of the new age mind-set
many however stayed around him and were very devoted as they 
felt he spoke to their hearts 
Krishnamurti wrote beautiful flowing poetry in which there 
was much natural imagery and speaking of love and light 
and no separation
he was a bright presence in his way for many
he talked about kundalini and the suffering 
he went thru with it has been documented extensively
he was very close to his brother who died before him
he grieved greatly when he passed and cried and cried 
and after this flood of tears, he emerged as if nothing had happened 
his consciousness through such strong emotions, remaining completely pure 
he was of the saintly way
and had no fear whatsoever of death as he had already died the good death 
that brought eternal life 

this is what has flowed out this evening about Jiddu Krishnamurti...

here is one of the poems written by Krishnamurti -- his book of poetry
was one of the first spiritual books i found and read that really began the
search in earnest for me -- it was probably 23 yrs ago i first found his poetry...
here is the poem:

O friend,
I am anxious for thee.

The long race with time,
the ceaseless dance with the winds of space,
The burden of lonely sorrow
And the gathering in of joy:
They are over and I await thee
As the parched land the coming rains

The love that corrupts the form of its loveliness,
Offerings to pacify the inward fear of thought,
Vain hopes void of understanding,
Visions and dreams ever in the semblance of man,
Death that creates darkness in life:
They are over, and I await thee
As the lotus the cool night air.

Hear me, O friend,
I await thee,
As the snowy peak in a still valley...


  1. Namaste, I enjoy stories of realized beings very much here. They touch on a much deeper level. Thank you for your writing. OM

  2. Namaste, good to hear.. it seems to be what is flowing out now... om shanti
