Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Ganesha (destroyer of obstacles)

there are many stories about Shiva
he has been put in character form 
to be an example of what takes place 
on the inner journey
Shiva sits in majestic pose on mt Kailash
as this is representative of the 
unmoving beauty of the pure soul 
that is like that which presides over all 
and is untouched by any coming and going 
his face and form are perfect and handsome 
because he is the beautiful one 
he knows only the still living reality 
nothing can compare to this type of beauty
it is like the most glorious scene on earth 
and beyond this 
as it does not change or die away ever 
once however,
as the Hindu stories go 
he did have a relationship with Paravati 
who is the goddess of love and devotion
he loved her with all his heart 
but he was not in the way of wanting a child 
as his vision was internalized
and though Paravati tried all sorts of ways
to tempt him and to rouse his desire for her
Shiva did not move his gaze from being internal
he sat motionless as the steady mountain
his focus fixed solely on the absolute
Paravati was sad due to Shiva's
as she very much desired a child to love 
she felt that this was a communion of her
love for Shiva
Shiva was away a lot meditating
and doing what gods do 
and Paravati became lonely for his presence 
she became so lonely that she rubbed her skin
with a pumice stone and took this scraped off skin
from her body and mixed it with clay
from the earth to fashion a child 
a boy that she could love
and then she blew her breath on the
image she had created and it came to life
as an energetic boy
this boy was very precocious 
and followed her around with bright stories 
and dancing ways 
and Paravati enjoyed him immensely
when Shiva returned from his meditation
in the forest of india
Paravati had gone to bathe in the river 
and told the boy to bar the door and do 
not let anyone in no matter what
when Shiva returned
the boy did not recognize him to be his father
and he held the door tight shut 
this angered Shiva greatly
he pushed at the door with all his might 
and when it finally opened he found a child 
there and due to his anger 
he cut off the child's head with his trident
Paravati was of course very distressed 
by this scene 
and Shiva swore he would restore the 
child to living again
he told his disciples 
to replace the child's head immediately
the first thing that was found was a baby elephant 
and the elephant's head was cut off to replace
the child's head
as this was representative of replacing
the head of ignorance (that was made from the dirt
of the body) with wisdom
this child was to be called Ganesha or Ganapati 
which means destroyer of obstacles 
Shiva was very happy that a child was 
returned to him and his lovely Paravati
and they both beamed 
and loved his dear presence that was 
so very wise beyond his years
and Shiva said due to this grace 
of restoring his child 
that Ganesha was to be propitiated first 
before any other 
Ganesha was a boy of great and beautiful
he loved his 
mother and father with all his heart 
Ganesha was to be
like a peaceful warrior in a way
for he is the one that keeps the path clean 
of obstructions by bearing his little hatchet 
that cuts the weeds and dross away so 
souls can see clearer the way thru
he destroys the sins and the barriers 
that are made of false substance 
he makes a clear path to the light by his 
shearing the ground and of course 
Shiva is then there at the end of the journey 
as pure consciousness 
Ganesha is always seen with a little mouse 
this mouse is very much of a pest most of the time 
as he runs around and around like thoughts 
and one cannot catch it 
try as one might 
for the little thing will duck into small places 
and then come back out when no one is looking 
and play about again which creates quite a nuisance 
but Ganesha has his little bits of sweets with him 
to feed the mouse and tame him
which is like the sweetness of grace
(in Guru's words and presence)
that strike the mind and render it quiescent
so it is subdued not running about like it does 
Ganesha is very prince like and ornate
in his clothing and colorful presentation 
he can be adorned in flowers which are like
the fragrance 
of experience along the way
rather than getting stuck on the thorns
time and time again
enjoy the fragrant scent of life that is alway present
which can be savored if one has the right outlook
Ganesha also can have quite a look of wisdom 
and also charm to him
he is a charmer indeed as he befriends the
the little beast of ego 
and then subdues him still and silent 
his right tusk is broken off
and what remains is the *one* tusk
that represents single-pointedness
he used the tusk that was broken off
to scribe the mahabharata
which is very heavy book of wisdom
as Ganesha's form is heavy
he sits like a heavy unbudging form for sure
no different than the non-dual scriptures
that radiate great substance of knowledge...
this is a bit about Sri Ganesha the destroyer of obstacles 
and like all the Hindu dieties
they are representative of different types of  energies
and not to be
seen as something outside of the self
each image is deeply rich in symbology that point
always to the non-dual reality
the pure SELF of all


  1. Namaste, thank you very much for this writing, have always loved Ganesha and the story of his birth. Very grateful to hear about the pointings behind these symbologies. OM.

  2. namaste, you are welcome .. these stories are rich and colorful and have so many layers of meaning....happy it was enjoyed. shanti om

  3. Namaste Thank you for this fascinating story - I'm learning to enjoy it and not be caught up in mind spin Om shanti

  4. Namaste, this is good to hear.... om shanti

  5. namaste - Ganesha energy :) enjoyed the writing -- thank-you ! shanti om

  6. namaste, you are welcome.. om shanti

  7. Namaste, lovely story. Thank you for challenging ideas. Many layers seam to be in the story. But that little mouse of thoughts has nowhere to hind in Gurus presence, that's for sure. Such Grace!!! Very grateful. Om Shanti.

  8. Namaste -- the symbology of these stories are so rich and mysterious as well... indeed the thoughts dissolve in Guru's grace... om shanti
