Sunday, August 4, 2013

Kabir (a hard hitting saint)

a long time ago there lived a saint named
he was a man that would weave cloth
he would weave and weave and 
when he did so 
bright words of truth sprang forth
that were like the tapestry that 
he created 
woven with love, care 
and joy
he was a man that spoke only 
to bring those minds that 
were in confusion to awaken
as he spoke and wove his cloth
some would come sit near him
and enjoy basking in his light 
that was like love itself 
but there were also many
that became inflamed by his 
strong forthright wisdom
that would come out 
raw and pure 
to singe the mind and 
make it become alert 
to life as it is 
there were many that spoke 
against him
as being a one that was 
of dark ways 
but this did not stop Kabir 
from speaking up and 
bringing fresh light to the 
stale mentalities that lurked 
he spoke up against the caste system
and the warring of man against man
that was based on the color of 
skin and belief systems 
he spoke up against false spiritual
persons that were out to 
make money off of vulnerable 
souls that did not 
know better 
he spoke up about God 
and what God was and was not 
he did not wear special clothing 
he did not bring special 
magic acts (siddhis) with him
he only spoke truth 
and was simple in his life 
and his way of being 
and though this was not taken in 
well by most while he was alive
his message and beautiful poetry
ring bright 
and are enjoyed by many
how funny that now that he 
is gone 
there is so much devotion 
towards him
but this is the way of minds 
that look to be in love *with*
and do not want the hard hitting 


  1. Namaste, so true. The minds seam to want to be in love with something. Truth is harder to swallow. Thank you for the truth! It shatters the bent love. Onward. OM

  2. namaste, you are welcome.. thank you for reading.. shanti om

  3. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,

    Love to read your posts about great saints. It is very refreshing to look at them with new eyes, and to come closer to the truth they were teaching. Inspite of knowing stories of Kabir, never really looked at him in this way. Thank you for that.


  4. Namaste, thank you for your comment -- the writing just flows out ... am happy to hear it is enjoyed and resonates... om shanti
