Monday, August 19, 2013

pure as the mountain (beyond form and mind)

when he came to the ashram
there was a new bed put in the corner for
him to sleep on
what a funny thing to be sleeping on a bed
he preferred the floor of the cave
where he lived before
as this was just right
but he would sit on the bed and be seen by
his devotees to give darshan
and answer questions
he lived in this bed when he was there
there were no walls
or anything to divide him from his devotees
for he was just as these ones that came to bow
before him
the very same consciousness
the very same heart
why was a wall needed?
he lived there openly and sometimes got
up to walk on the mountain that he loved
for it was as Shiva to him
resting in stillness
beyond all form and ways of the world
he came there long ago when he was a boy
and sat in it's cool interior
where mind was not alive and did not
ever exist in these depths
this was his ashram (this mountain)
a wonderful, sparkling place
to simply be and just *be* he did
for all that was separate vanished as a dream dreamt
long ago
never to come and enter into his mind that was as
the mountain pure and holy
many sages came here to sit of long ago and entered
the heart where beauty and stillness resides
he came too
drawn by this love and light
so much capturing of his heart
when he first came to be by the mountain
he walked up to the temple
where he took a strip of clothing and made a loin cloth
for his body
right before he entered the temple it rained fresh and pure
this was his initiation the universe gave to him
and it worked well
very simple
he entered the temple and immediately sunk into the
brahman consciousness
still, quiet, unmoving
he did not move for days on end ..
then a sadhu found him and took him where there was food
and a more suitable place that he could sleep and bathe
and find water
he was simply led there by grace
it mattered not if he stayed in the temple
or slept on the earth bare
so his form was led to these different places
but his mind that was in stillness
remained unaltered by the different scenes that
came to his eyes
his mind was free no matter where his form resided
he lived here and there around the mountain for a time
and eventually stayed in the caves of the mountain
where many had come to be lost to the source of all
penetrating stillness was in these depths
and he lived there very happy and bright in consciousness and joy
he did not speak for a long long time
he remained in peace
then he was led to the ashram by the mountain where he gave darshan
and lived near his devotees
he gave satsang in the flow of the day
he gave darshan and this was his greatest blessing
for it was in quiet beauty that touched the soul
to awaken in the devotee light and love and truth
beyond the darkness that ego lived
once he told a story of a woman that wanted to feed him
at her house
she was very insistent that he come
to her residence and eat
he did not come as he did not want to leave the devotees
that took their time to be with him and honor the light
so he came to her in a dream and said
my dear, why are you being so stubborn about this eating
my devotees will come to your house and eat in my place
as when you are
feeding them with love and an open heart
you are feeding me
this woman immediately made a beautiful banquet for the
sage's devotees
and they came to her house and she fed them with wonderful
foods that delight the palate
with great love and care and feeling
she fed them
and she was happy

this is the writing that flowed out in this moment
based on some of Ramana's life ...
om namah shivaya


  1. Namaste, Thank you for writing about Ramana. There is always a gentle loving energy coming from your writings, such a joy to read. OMMMM

  2. Namaste, glad it is appreciated and felt .. om shanti
