Wednesday, August 28, 2013

mind does not know

i cannot find myself as i was
so much of the time 
my friends how fortunate this is 
it rings of the ripe fruit of now 
it lives as the glorious one 
when i was in the world working 
and raising a child 
i did my very best to be still and free 
but the waves of mind kicked up the dust 
and my attention moved in and out 
how was i to know the difference 
between living amongst good company
and sitting away from the world 
and it's play of me and mine 
and this and that and so, so many things 
that come there 
i did not know the difference until coming here, 
and being in the company of Guru,
and being calm and quiet, 
and taking in the wonder of simply being
(without moving outward into the waves)

it is quite a journey this kundalini brings 
and it is very, very hard and very, very graceful
all at once and one knows not what is around 
the next corner that will awaken the mind 
to what is real
how i mourned in the past for what i was to lose 
and how i wanted to protect *my life* 
and *my way* of being that was familiar
it is like this within ego
as if *my world* and all that has come to it 
was ever my own..
oh friends let go of your world, and see the day 
without the lens of attachment 
it will be better than fine, and better than good 
it will be like you are reborn and washed clear 
of all that has been collected that haunts 
because even if the attachment feels good, 
it brings pain 
and that which is attached to is only a thought, 
a dream, a shadow ...
it is not the thing itself, or the person itself 
that you love or desire ...
it is a thought  .. an energy .. a movement ...
a shadow ...
the person that you love is your very own soul 
it is true and this is so deeply beautiful and simply 
*what is* also ...
it is like a stagnant energy that simply gets absorbed 
into the truth (pure awareness), and then lo,
what a difference and what a wondrous thing
 this mind is simply dream mist 
and all is of ONE beautiful SELF 
oh, it is coming now dear seekers 
may you go on to find the joy of your soul
it will come when the conditions ripen 
and if you continue to follow grace 
and let the doors close that need to close 
and walk thru the doors that open from grace 
without hesitation
then you will make good progress
because the mind knows not what is best for you
it will tell you that this is right and that is wrong 
but how it changes course again and again
with no certainty
so do not believe in it, but stay in the heart 
and be in love with the moment as it is 
all is well here and full and of heart 
be still, quiet and calm
and stay with the practices that have come 
from Guru's grace
and God will take you home 
there is no doubt 
om namah shivaya... 


  1. Namaste, Home is where the heart is :-) OM Namah Shivaya..... Thank you for the grace and beauty!!!

  2. namaste, indeed it is where pure life resides .. shanti om

  3. Wonderful guidance - Speaks to my heart and gives me hope
    Om Shanti

  4. namaste, there is always hope ... enjoy the day.. om shanti

  5. Namaste, thank you for this pointing, very motivating. Om.

  6. Namaste, thank you for reading.. one can only continue forward within the conditions that are here now... things will shift.. shanti om
