Sunday, September 22, 2013

when she spoke...

when she spoke to her husband
he came close and felt her being as his own soul
he came close and heard her words flow as shakti
these words that came from this pure soul
were like moon beams that brought cooling rays to the 
scorched mind that was within thought 
her words poured out from a stilled heart 
which are not like those minds in the dual realm
where there is a persona speaking about a passing experience
but these words flowed from the source directly
these words cut deep to the core 
and were to restore the mind to it's natural state 
so what did she say to her husband this sage?
she said that non-dual consciousness was not of intellect 
it was not as something gathered and collected 
it was not as something that was newly found and discovered 
it did not belong to anything or anyone
it was revealed when all that was as a dream dissolved
then it came forward as that which has always been
she told her husband to sit and be still
and see what is not of the form,
see what is not of the mental shades
see what is not of the me and mine mentality
and dive in there without hesitation
for if you, my love, can sit with pure consciousness
spoke the wife,
and be of it and in it, then the truth comes naturally
one cannot be entertaining thoughts and know it
not ever
one thought even, is like a shade pulled down over the eyes
but when the thought free state is abided in
then there is an understanding (without understanding)
which means there is a *direct cognition*
of that which exists before birth and that which remains after death
and that which exists in every part in between
oh my husband,
hear these fresh words like cool rains
that come to fall on your soul that aches
that we are as one always
never is there a creature that lives apart from the source
not ever
never is there a single grain of sand
that can live as a separate entity away from the absolute
that has given it life
oh my husband,
is space divided or occluded?
is the sky confined within borders and separation?
not ever, no matter what takes place within it
whether a cloud passes through or not
the sky remains vast and without end
as when you confine yourself to the thought that you are limited to a body
then you indeed feel as if you are only that
but still it is not real, it is just a thought
and my dear heart, how fleeting is this thought?
this thought dissappears in sleep every night
and is reborn again and again ..
look at this deeply and be free of all thoughts and be perfect as you are
then this way love is true
and this way we are as one being always
and the husband looked at his wife with full eyes that took in her
beauty and bright spirit
and drank in her love and light that she so generously opened to him
and he put his forehead to hers and was quiet within
and then he got up and walked away to sit by himself and look at his mind
and see what it was composed of that was transient
and what was to remain as a constant
he sat with this alone
and came upon many states
some were blissful and filled with beauty
and he called his knowledge filled wife to come
and said, my lovely bride that is one always
i am in bliss often and forgetting of my world
is this the reality you speak of?
and this goddess of all spoke gently to her husband saying, my dear
bliss is a very beautiful state and can feel like God
but it is unstable and appears to a persona (though very subtle this
persona may be)
it is not the empty full being that is eternal
keep making efforts my husband and eventually you will be yourself free of
any fetters of mental waves
and the husband sat for many a day and hour looking at the mind
he sat and sat
until he at last entered realization in which all other vanishes away
like it never was

more writing that has similarities to the tripura rahasya (the mystery beyond the trinity)...


  1. Namaste, So clear, so simple, so gentle in its beauty and so full of love..... Such deep appreciation is felt from reading! Such deep gratitude. Mind stills. Fever of thoughts lets go and disappears. Thank you. Om Shanti.

  2. namaste, a nice comment to get -- thank you for being here and om...

  3. Namaste. Thank you for this. Om Shanti.

  4. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,

    Thank you for painting the Tripura rahasya beautifully. The stillness that your words point towards is such a light place to be in comparison to the one with thoughts, me and mine. The one thing I am struggling with is in having the stillness while being engaged in action. The stillness of mind at times gives the impression of being still even with action to the point of just sitting still, instead of engaging in the action or the task at hand. Would be grateful for any light on this. Thank you for the series again.


  5. namaste, Sitting still has value for what it is as the mind becomes the central focus due to less distractions.. On this path though, one is to be within the heart and quietude in all aspects of life (whether engaged in the world or sitting) as this will make the practice and stillness unwavering and steady. For many times when sitting the mind may still, but if it goes away when in action, then there is little stability. So both action and sitting are valuable practice for quietude and cannot be separated out... om shanti

  6. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,
    Deeply grateful for the pointing.


  7. namaste, thank you for your comment... om shanti
