Wednesday, September 25, 2013

her ocean song...

come friend, live for once
the trees are in perfect bloom
the waters are tranquil here where the heart lives 
the fallen blossoms from the trees blow with the warm winds 
to die away in the light 
but there is no sorrow here ever 
for the full beauty forever resides in this light 

come friend, trust this God that is inside of you
and be like the right man and woman that you are 
for you came here on wings of the earth and the sky
and the love that blooms 
you were breathed from the womb of mother 
she has raised you well with her song of joy
she has blessed you with knowledge so rich like the heavens 
she has touched you with kundalini and opened your mind to 
be like her 
she has kissed you with her mystic vision that is like 
nothing else known 
she has put you to sleep  
with her ocean song of life that never dies 
she has sung to you of her stillness with a sting sometimes 
to arouse you to wake up
and in her song she says, my child
come to me (this heart of yours so pure) 
come and live in me as you are like this always 
come child be still, be still
and when she dances for you in your mind 
how have you taken it?
have you danced along or come down from this dance 
to be still and watch the shadows rise and fall
without getting lost in them?
oh friend she is your mother sweet and forgiving of every
action done or not done 
as she seeds the earth with all that is green and lush 
and lights the sky with bright colors of golden hue 
and falls from the sky sweet pure water to make souls
that ache smile with delight 
and the one drinking can say -- yes, there is no more thirst 
and no more desire for worldly pleasures and ways
and no more chasing after this and that 
there is just rich pure water to drink
there is only life as it *is*
she is this moment dear 
live here and breathe this now and know this truth
it forever lives here
as the heart of all


  1. Namaste, will you please recite this one please. Its a lovely stilling one. Like floating in nothingness. Pure joy. Shanti Om

  2. namaste, i would be happy too... great day and om
