Saturday, September 28, 2013

have you seen?

have you seen mt meru?
it is like a burning heart that
sits in majesty
have you seen mt kailash?
it is as the purest form that sits
in light and full presence
have you seen the pure river in india?
or spent time in the heart of the caves?
have you taken your soul to the sages?
to be seen by God eyes
and heard by God ears
and felt by God hands
have you been to where the waters meet
to merge together and flow into the ocean of mother?
have you sat in the sacred forest
and felt the breeze blow on your face?
and felt the moving of the earth under your form?
have you been to the wonders of the world?
and placed your whole being into the experience
as a man that does not know what the
next moment brings?
have you seen the moving clouds in the morning light?
have you seen the flow of the universe?
or have you been asleep to your life?
as a man that does not see or hear or breathe or feel?
as a man that waits for tomorrow to truly live?
as a man that waits for another person to give what is needed
to be free?
if you wait like this, then life passes quickly and your time
is wasted like a seed that blows with the winds
and dies away
never to bloom fully and feel the sun fully
never to be as it should be
in perfect love and light
yet you do not haveto go to the mountains across the world
or the rivers across the oceans and continents
but only to find the purity in your own soul
that lives in this moment
as you are now
immersed in what is taking place now
is where it lives
it lives in truth here now


  1. Namaste. Time is precious - must realize there is nowhere to go and nothing to do.
    Om Shanti Patrick

  2. namaste, dive in deep where you are at now ... take full advantage of the opportunity.. om shanti

  3. Namaste, haha, will do. Thank you. Om Shanti.

  4. Namaste Siddhahanda, almost forgot to ask :-) There are these still points now, where the sound is above the silent ocean. And all looks different, different perception of the visual, like it really is imposed on, the sounds, the texture, the movement. Seams also the longer one sits still, the deeper one disappears into this still ocean. Not sure what my question is anymore. :-) Just wanted to share it I guess. Om shanti. And Thank you for all your heart pointings!

  5. namaste, nice to hear of the deepening -- shanti om
