Saturday, September 7, 2013

like White Tara

she lived in india in the time when seeking 
was sacred 
she would sit on the hard earth with the sadhus 
and be in deep quietude that was effortless 
when the men or women walked by her 
they would scoff inside themselves or whisper 
how could she be serious sitting there like she does 
she is just playing and not making progress
but she paid no mind to these remarks 
and sat still as a mountain, majestic and perfect 
she put her heart ever forward and knew inside 
without a doubt she was not the form 
that was being looked at and judged 
she was beyond this and rested in the heart of all
which was undying 
once a man came by her and said, 
how is it that you are born a woman and feel
you can reach enlightenment like the men?
and she did not answer this man quickly
or even change her appearance 
but remained still as the pure waters 
of ganga that race about 
and cleanse all that come into it with 
a heart of love
she sat in purity like this 
and finally said, listen to what i haveto say
oh man,
you are not your body or your mind 
because you feel you are these things 
then you see me as being a female body
that is only this 
but i am here to tell you that my heart rests 
eternally in God's light and i will be back again and again
as a female that is awake
to aide in humanity finding that which lies beyond 
if this is not in agreement with your concept of how 
realization should look
then i suggest you find a sage that does meet your standards 
and then come back to me and say that you have found 
the perfect Guru that will speak and affirm all that you want to hear
and all that you want to believe 
and tell me then if you are out of suffering 
for if i have tested your beliefs, then this is a good thing 
because those beliefs of yours are faulty and untrue 
you have been deceived by believing that i am a body 
and that you are one too
and this is why you are not peaceful inside yourself 
oh man, 
i have been to the heaven and hell realms 
i have sat in the barren caves alone and contemplated the self 
i have been to vishnuloka and have entered the sublime mountains 
that are of the lord's dwelling 
i have walked into the ganges and sank deep many many times over
i have birthed many children in kingly abodes and simple dwellings 
i have praised shiva and kali and krishna
i have prayed to the heavens with joy and deep devotion
i have lived alone for many a day and year
i have lived in the company of souls of many varieties and ways 
i have entered austerities where my feet bled from walking the plains 
of india alone and without a single companion to be found 
i have ate the dry earth and slept on the cold ground with bugs crawling on my skin
and woke up to pain of body and mind 
oh man,
how i have lived so so many lives seeking and you say to me 
that i cannot be realized because this form is female
tell to me, what you have found in yourself that is pure 
that is not of thought or of the world 
and i will listen soul
but if you have only to walk by and judge, then you are not in truth
or any discernment that is of value 
how can you see rightly when your mind is so mistakenly taking in only
appearances and making judgements? 
so go your way and be in your judgements 
and leave me here to be within peace that is unwavering 
and she sat peaceful and still
and did not move for a long time 
so still was she that even the birds wings flapping could be heard 
over the mountains and the sound of the horns honking and the sound of the 
waters moving and the sound of the gates opening and closing 
and the sound of the children playing
nothing but the sound of the pure flow of life
could be heard 
rising and falling within quietude 
and so she sat still and did not move

this writing has some of the same flavor as white tara...
she was praised for her prayers and offerings to the monks and nuns 
and told that she should pray to be a male in her next life so she can give buddhist teachings 
she said she will come back always as a female form until all reach enlightenment 
as there is no such thing as male and female in reality.... 


  1. namaste - very much enjoyed the White Tara flavor .., may it flow out beyond the words and stir those caught by the male/female hook. thank-you for sharing... shanti om

  2. namaste, beyond any pairs of opposites lies reality --- may this be known and lived..thank you for your comment.. shanti om

  3. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,

    Wasn't really familiar with the story of White Tara. Thank you for enlightening that. Identification with the body seems to be one of the difficult things to let go of in the face of complete surrender, probably because of the familiarity with that sense of being a body prior. It seems that as one surrenders into practice more and more, and as the mind would still to even let go of that identification as well. Thank you for pointing to that and for the grace being offered through this post.


  4. Namaste, as the mind stills, identifications dissolve on their own, including body identity.. the main thing is surrender, allow grace to do the rest... om shanti

  5. Namaste, sometimes don`t know what to say right after I read, but just feeling appreciation for this. Om shanti

  6. namaste, no need to say anything ... glad it resonates and is appreciated.. shanti om
