Monday, July 8, 2013

where is there to go?

striving for perfection
is like striving to be
something else
but you are *now* love and light
so there is nothing to strive for
only to be quiet in your heart
and be living
purely in this moment
then what is there to strive for?

striving like a person that is
to reach somewhere
is like being in a splendid garden
and feeling left out
but how can this be true
when the heart is within all
and cannot be outside?
so what is there to struggle with
but to be in this presence freely
in this stillness
it will be seen as
your own soul

striving as something to be reached
is like a king in his rich quarters
that sees it not
but says, i must go elsewhere
to find my treasure
yet here it sits in fullness
where is there to go?

striving as a creature to become
something other
is like a poor lamb
seeking it's mother
when she is right beside him
and *in* him always
what distress comes from this
but have no fear
for she is your very heart
and cannot die


  1. Namaste, simply beautiful! Such gentle inspiration is coming from this writing. Very grateful for it today. Had a long moment of oneness yesterday, its just a feeling/knowing of life as a play, watching different bodies, people, things that are one and the same but appear different. It felt funny again, a very joyful feeling comes from that. Can`t quiet explain that, just a knowing that comes on its own spontaneously. Very grateful for all given. Shanti OM

  2. namaste, good to hear of the deepening, may it continue .. thank you for reading, om shanti
