Sunday, July 7, 2013

grace in charge

it is only when the cacophony
of mind dies and stillness is born
that pure life is freed to be known
without the *direct experience* of stillness 
there is no understanding 
of that which is false 
there is no true seeing 
there is only a *concept* of silence 
which is as far away from the truth 
as ever 

the mind cannot die without surrender 
surrender is imperative for the heart to 
be made manifest
it cannot shine otherwise

the mind is to be a servant to heart 
as the ox is to the master
it is surrendered to the one in charge 
which is grace 
it is not to be calling the shots 
like one that is in the drivers seat 
and making all the moves 
and commands to go here and there 
and this is this way
and that is that way
but it is to be still and surrendered to 
the light that is so pure 
then what comes is spontaneous 
and not of planned action
that has expected outcomes and all of this 
which is of intellect 
this is not correct vision my heart friends 
what is correct is *heart* vision
that is not in mental unrest like the mind 

so take this pointing to the soul
and be relaxed in stilled presence 
like a being of grace that you are 
be quiet 
be still
be in love with the moment 
and do not go outward in thought 

this is the flow of writing 
that has come this evening
may stillness reign

great night and om


  1. namaste - grateful for these heart words ... sweet day-- maha shanti om

  2. Namaste, may stillness reign. Thank you for the heart pointings today. OM

  3. namaste, you are welcome - om shanti
