Thursday, July 25, 2013


when me and mine 
as the sunset fades 
into the dark night 
then what is real
is revealed 
is a living reality
that has never changed 
it is revealed 
as the moon is revealed 
when the clouds 
the night then 
is lit 
with this glow 
that is full
and it is not to be denied 
in the sky
so very self evident
this is the one heart 
my friends 
it is the light 
that knows not anything 
but still waters 
it is the radiant presence 
that is single 
it is the radiant light 
that is one 


  1. Namaste, Thank you for this heart writing. OM

  2. namaste, you are welcome ..shanti om

  3. namaste - working at the garden this morning and chatting taking place and though seen as dance it can be seen too that much of what is ever said is not heard at all or if heard it is recolored ... and so no longer much taste for that kind of dance ... thank-you for the words of substance -- shanti om

  4. namaste, most hear what they want to hear ... enjoy the gardening.. shanti om
