Wednesday, July 17, 2013

so much better

when kali is alive and living 
as stillness 
she is then in the form
of truth
that has once laid coiled 
at the seat of the spine
and when awakened
moves as a snake 
through the passages 
(the chakras)
bringing forth debris 
in consciousness to be seen
and released
the debris moves thru
and changes occur that 
are not at all within the norm
for the one experiencing them
it is like an opening of energy
and divine flow 
that moves the form 
into kriyas, mudras 
lights, visions
and perceptual shifts
flood the being 
on many levels 
this is some of the
phenomena that can occur
it can be frightening if 
one does not understand it 
and even when one does 
it is difficult 
the one that is in the heart 
and has an energetic connection
with Guru
will move thru the 
experiences much better 
than if there is no such 
connection in place
the one that has a thirst for 
truth and is honest 
and sincere 
will move thru the shifts 
much better than 
if there are poor motives 
even under the best 
it is difficult 
this is for certain
there are so many changes,
shifts and then balancing out 
stillness, then back to mind 
and all the rest in between
it is not something that 
comes easily
(the peace that passes
all understanding)
it does not happen over night 
by any means 
it can take lifetime(s)
of steady efforts 
surrender and continuing 
forward into the fires 
yet it is worth it all
in the end 
to be within quietude 
and deep peace 
for what else is there worth
the mind may tell you
there are so many things 
that will bring happiness 
but have you been in quietude
you will know differently
that the best of the best 
is a quiet, peaceful mind 
nothing can compare 
and all that you *thought*
would bring happiness vanishes 
as a dream dreamt long ago
then that which is pure 
lives as a steady abiding peace 
so very much better than
anything mind generated 


  1. namaste - cleansing energy ... om maha Kali ma ... gratitude is here ... thank-you

  2. Namaste, Thank you! Very grateful here too. Om Shanti

  3. namaste, you are welcome shanti om
