Thursday, February 21, 2013

nowhere to hide

no*body* knows the truth 
there are none that come into it 
as a name and face 
the ones that know are gone to the light 
the person melts into the ocean 
like a little wave that never was ...
the ones that say there is liberation 
as well as a person within that is more free 
this is not true 
these ones speak to oneness or something other
than what is real
they are still caught in intellect 
and philosophy about truth
and want to convince themselves that they 
can have their cake and eat it too..
that they are the special one that does not 
have to walk the hard walk 
and die the death that brings eternal life
well they may be able to fool some people about this 
but the universe cannot be fooled 
and sooner or later 
there will be another great challenge
and another playing out in which they cannot 
hide so easily for suffering is so great
it is here that there is a chance to really move forward 
as the defense tactics are not working anymore 
which makes it harder to run away 
many need to get to this point 
become so exhausted within
before surrender truly begins to take hold 

maha shanti om

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