Saturday, February 9, 2013

buddha pear

this guy on Facebook got *bent out of shape*
because i posted a picture of a pear
that was molded into the shape of a buddha
and grew on the tree this way... very charming...
but this man did not think so..
he had all sorts of things to say about it ..
that it was now deformed and misshapen
and carried negative energy due to this process..
he would never eat such a thing as the fruit had been *encaged*
and this was so very wrong...
really this mans mental attitudes and projections were what was misshapen...
as he was the one *bent out of shape*, not the pear...
this is what takes place when the mind is so very occluded with drama
and projections about the way things should or should not be
as this was simply a very innocent picture of a pear
and was not related in the least to all the stories this man created about it ..
due to all his drama that was thrown out...
the beauty and simplicity of the appearance was completely lost to him..
overshadowed by complexity...
this is seen so much how one image or word can throw
the mind into a tailspin that creates this and that ...
me and mine ...  right and wrong ....
so very deceptive and powerful...
it is so very, very important to not get caught up in this kind of thing
and if it does arise to recognize it ...
go back to the balanced breath and practices...
stay grounded in the wisdom of Guru
let it go and move forward...

may all be well...



  1. namaste. yes - how quick the mind will make something up into 'other' -- the way it all played out on FB was quite flavorful -- shanti Om

  2. Namaste - really something to see.. this is how it works with mind, reality is covered over and what is seen is filtered thru the lenses of projections and conditionings --
    what can be said, but no matter how much drama and mental spin one wants to lay on it ..... it will not change the fact that a pear is still a pear (and always will be).. om shanti...

    1. namaste- sweet fruit that it is ... sitting here grateful for pear trees. and the farmers that care for them -- joy and peace

  3. Namaste, thank you for another reminder. The pears look quiet innocent. Mind makes up stories of all kinds. Will try to remember the Buddha pear when mind will spin out of control. Omm. Liza

  4. Namaste- Nice pointings, thank you..Om
