Thursday, February 28, 2013

a deeper reality..

though it takes great efforts
to continually rein the mind in
it is the only way to begin to open to truth
which will bring experiences that speak to a deeper reality
and put an end to the movement eventually
the other choice is to of course
continue to immerse in mundane mind
and all that comes with that
there is always a choice..


  1. Namaste dear Siddhahanda, does it mean that one have to start making more effort to slide into the heart more often? Or will it be happening spontaniously? AT times here it just happens by pure aweareness shift. At times through meditation and more effort, at times it does not happen at all. Every time different. Very grateful for your every word. OM

  2. Namaste -- when the mind is active efforts are needed... when still relax into the heart center and remain there..... the process is layer by layer as things deepen and then back to the surface again .. with times of spontaneous stilling .. this is part of it... shanti om

  3. Namaste, THank you! With Deep gratitude!!! OM
