Friday, February 15, 2013

all that remains

without the beauty of the absolute
there would be no life 
or anything that could be called true
the absolute is what reveals all 
and is within all
as one undivided presence 
and as one God of all
if you are even a little bit open 
then the heart can begin to move thru
and make itself a light to melt away the shade
this is what the sages call awakening to yourself
it is like the unfolding petals of a lotus
that opens when the sun hits 
what is revealed inside is truth without name or face 
a living beingness 
not a thing that passes 
or lives for a moment like thought 
a truth that is constant
as shankara says, the light is the revealing 
of the rope that was once deemed to be a snake 
this is what it is to be awake 
and he did not pass his days in idle chatter and thought 
he lived a short life 
and in this brief period truly moved mountains in terms 
of reforming advaita vedanta 
bringing this wisdom back to its true roots
he carried no baggage whatsoever 
he knew 100% he was not the body or mind ..
he was beyond birth and death..  
in this way he roamed the earth bringing fresh waters
and powerful pointings that directed the soul always within
this is the way of the ones that are within stillness
it is impossible not to speak truth 
as this is all that remains...

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