Wednesday, January 24, 2018

spirit session

spirit session

those roses by my grave stone are dying 
this spirit said 
they have not been refreshed and brought 
me the gift of spirit 
so please oh helpers refresh those roses 
for me 
so i can sip of the wine of heart 
and give of myself to the shining light 
and not bask in the past ways of experience 
oh helpers 
did i do a wrong somewhere that i hardly 
for my heart is heavy with feelings 
and though i have left that experience 
it is still inside me 
oh helpers, Guru
set me on the righteous path 
and the Guru does indeed give guidance 
that is to say 
you, oh soul are not the form and what happened 
happened to the form only
you are spirit only 
so do not weigh yourself so heavily down by
what is now gone 
and move forward into light 

oh dear hearts 
the Christ energy enters into the scene 
and there is not a single way that mind can continue 
to go thru the shadows  
the spirit connects in with his light 
and bows deeply 
and forgets what was so heavy in nature
and sits like a child by his feet 
and sits like an innocent child 
to be blessed in love and light 
and goodness