Tuesday, January 9, 2018

a door opened

i came seeking a way out of suffering 
and the door opened 
into the mystic realm of heart 
it is not like one thinks 
a rainfall of bliss at all 
it is like a coming out of all the debris 
in consciousness that rises from the depths 
a hard thing for certain 
and there are times of openings into the mysteries 
that bloom like buds and flowers with various hues 
giving a manifestation of visions, seeing "into" 
and far away
hearing things that are mysterious 
like waters, sounds, names and messages 
these things come dear hearts like waves of 
mystery on the waters of heart 
rising to be seen and washed clear 
it is not something that will last or give peace 
whatsoever to the soul 
it is a showing of the mysteries 
and that all is spirit entirely
and not of form or personality or ego
so one does not rest there to say, look at me 
how wondrous i am 
but continues to move forward, centered in grace which 
is the blessing of Guru

when these manifestations come, there is a 
feeling like being not here in the so called solid 
it is not feeling to be the center 
one moves into different realms truly
you will understand this friend 
as there is the state of sleep nightly in which the mind 
is sunk in oblivion of sorts and dreams come 
then one has no consciousness of the form 
and when you rise, there is bringing in of the familiar attachments 
oh my love, you do this nightly and every morning 
this is the truth 
so you can feel it some ways in what is being said 
yet even when awake, in the mystic land 
different seeing into, clairvoyance, spirit realms come 
yes indeed 

i can speak of this for sure and say to you that these risings 
that are temporary 
begin to fade and fade some more 
and what fills in the place where all these manifestations once lived 
and had life 
is pure silence that is so much better 
and life filled 
and of love, joy, birth of the self 
yes indeed soul

so let's keep our rudders turned toward the holy star of 
light and keep going there 
not letting the mind have it's way and play it's games 
for these things are nothing truly in the end 
instead come to the experiences of heart 
for this is the truth
and what remains in the end 
there can be nothing else that will bring peace eternally 
love yes 
this is the truth