Monday, January 23, 2017

world dissolves

god-light reduces the mind to a slow running stream
little by little 
that washes into the universal ocean consciousness in which 
the individuality fades, dissolves there and does not rise again
to be made into something that is separate in identity to the 
one perfect source

god-light reduces the thought stream
soaks the mind in the beauty of love, light and stillness
and then the world view that one was so believing to be true 
and right or wrong or whatever understanding 
then, to that one that is in stillness, the world of duality 
no longer revolves inwardly to produce 
the manifestations of this and that
and to that one, all wrongs are righted and flowing with 
nothing but love, light and stillness... grace 
to that one there is no other or world that is real in the way 
of being solid, lasting, with something that creates suffering 
which does not mean there is no suffering in the world 
but within that one, there is stillness which brings peace 
everlasting and joy inside the heart, mind, soul
as the root of suffering (duality) has been destroyed

the world will carry on whether one is still or outward 
with it's activity always, this will not end 
it is the inward that is the making of beauty, pain, or any other 
so this is why the sannyasi (or the celibate renunciate) leaves 
the world, let's go of it and all the drama 
keeps life simple, (this simple life can be seen reflected in
the more traditional path of a wandering monk)
the mind is to not be always going outward and looking for entertainment 
and looking for something to feed it, confirm it, create out of it, 
spin on constantly
one is to simplify their life to the best possible in order to make the energy
and time to be inward in prayer, mantra, attention to the moment 
for even though many in the world desire peace, if there is no working 
towards it within themselves, it will be very difficult to maintain
and very difficult for these cycles of uprisings, divisions etc.. to come 
to a halt

we should take a lesson from the earth mother 
she is always in her best form within stillness
she does not hold judgement or harboring of emotions 
she does not protect herself in a shell
she does not put her reality onto anything else 
she does not have any worry, hurt or anger towards anything 
or anyone 
she does not commit sin, hold pride, revenge or vanity
her plants, animals, sun, moon, rain, mountains, rivers 
and oceans are the same inside 
all of her life is the same inside and what makes it otherwise are 
attitudes that one harbors, defends, keeps turning on 
this is the making of the dissension on the outside
and yes her energy is being drained due to choices of humanity 
that are not in alignment with pure intention, love and care 
yes her energy is shifting in accordance with the moral (or lack of 
moral) climate that is present 
yes her energy is being drained (or helped) by the actions and deeds, 
of humanity
what can be said, we do not live in a bubble and our actions move 
outward like a wave to be felt by the whole 
but we have this awareness to see clearly like the sun
we have this awareness to see what is here that is eternal and what 
is not lasting and should not be attached to 
we have this awareness to look, see, feel, taste, touch, hold, love 
with a heart of openness, joy, and love 
and we have the choice to use this awareness rightly...
for even with all of the chaos now, we need not be so caught up 
in it (which does not mean we don't act and speak out when the time
is right)
but we can use the time to go inward, to feel deeply this moment as it is 
in it's purity 
to taste it, touch it, pray into it, love it, hold it, breathe into it, sink into it 
for inside there is something other than what is seen on the surface 
and it is worth all the efforts made to be within it 


  1. Namaste, thank you so much for this writing. OM.

  2. Namaste, Beautiful. As usual. Stilling. Thank you. Om shanti

  3. Namaste,

    Beautiful, thank you.


  4. Namaste, Thank you for reading and appreciating... om shanti
