Thursday, January 26, 2017

so much more

we must work tirelessly to bring about a change inside and out 
that flows like music of spirit and brings fresh water to our own life 
and to others 
for inside there is something that is much different than what is being 
looked to within society that is filled with *me against you* 
or *i am a such and such* and *i am against and for* and all of this 
we are not divided like this inside when the covers of skin, heritage 
clothing, kin and country are dropped 
we are exactly the same without a seed of this kind of division that 
has taken over in the way of politics, actions, and all the  things now seen 
that are playing out 
we are so much broader in our hearts for sure 
so we must build from a sturdy foundation which is the most important thing of all
which means to be person of honor that is within
balance, harmony, love, peace and having this energy go out in waves to 
be felt by all of the earth, by all of the world, by all of the so called enemies too
that threaten to take from us our birthrights that are our freedoms 
we cannot falter in this endeavor or let the sinking of our spirits take over so 
we too stoop low and say words that are not in alignment with goodness
which does not mean we are push overs or allow someone to come and spoil 
our minds with shadow 
we indeed stand up, speak out, with conviction and qualities that are within grace 
for there cannot be a coming of light in this world if we do not do the good work 
that is laid out for us 
we are to use our energy to look within and see the mind for what it is, an energy 
not something that will bring about anything true 
but to be quiet and be grounded in the moment, and be not following the mental 
drama --- there is nothing good coming from this 
there is nothing righteous coming from this 
so we endeavor to always slow the mind down, allow it to unwind, allow it to still
allow it to have great gaps of nothingness that is full
allow it to not be able to complete it's thought-stream, for it to halt it and stutter 
and fall to the ground so it can be seen that it is not the truth whatsoever 
it is just energetic dramatic risings or shakti-light 

have at your heart the soil that is tended with care and love 
that grows from it bright flowers of truth, joy and ripe fruit 
that spills from it sweetness 
not soil that is dry or baseless and has no nutrients of goodness or 
love, but only holds conceptual understanding that come from reading and thinking 
and using the senses to attach to all that comes into them 
this soil will not be moist, rich, smell of good health or wholeness 
what can grow from it souls? nothing but more of the same and you are so 
much more endowed with the potential to be of good hearty substance 
so use it well please, use it for the benefit of all


  1. Namaste/\Ah, it's so easy to fall prey to the rambling mind and getting chained to a storyline that only cause grief and misery- just was reminded of that suffering. It's no fun. Gotta watch for the red flags of negativity and Come back to Now and rest the focus on the Spritual Heart. The Heart has, once again, brought an end to a mind spin fueled with nothing uplifting, nothing peaceful, of wanting to be separate grateful to be able to Choose this Moment and rest within the Silence of the Heart, and Thank You for being here to remind and point to this tool, this Blessing available to All/\
