Monday, January 9, 2017

the mind needs space

these times my friends
are so very hard to hear about
the violence and all that the news
holds makes one wonder where this
world is heading

violence stems always from wrong views
to protect one's ideals, thoughts, identities
to protect one's land, family or where one is
attached to
violence stems from pride for sure
these forces when they take hold strongly
truly turn the soul around in a direction
that is dark
the one that lives there, he is conditioned
to react without thinking or questioning
he is conditioned to go about with blinders on
to act without remorse
he is conditioned to move in the way of the
he is conditioned to find self-esteem in the workings
of acts that are unholy

here we cannot understand when this action
goes at a level that is so deep and hurtful
but we can only begin to go to our own minds
to question what is in there that drives our lives
and this of course, is on another level than what was
spoken of above, but the workings of conditionings
are the creator of action and doership

we are to begin to see these conditionings clearly
for the blinders to be removed and fresh light
to enter our being
so much of the time souls are distracted with activity
after activity and there cannot be a breath to take
a look inside, to relax, to partake of the moment in it's

but even with an endless stream of activity
one can still observe the mind
and put awareness in the heart
(because awareness is always free and ever available
no matter the activity on the outside)

observe what comes forward as patterns
that have been there from likely very young
there are many themes that one is aware of
that move to make one feel limited etc...
these limitations are simply made of thought patterns
these limitations will dissolve with awareness of the light
and being consistent with practice
and being heart centered
and staying connected to beings of good character
as well as having good character within the self too as foremost
and taking time to be quiet
even when there is no quiet in the mind
having the intention to be so
having the heart of one that is to be in love with the freedom
having the heart to be in love with the quietude that comes
when one is settled, relaxed, listening
in tune with the vibrations of life
not so absorbed by thinking all the time

for the mind needs space for one to see what is there
space between thoughts --
space between moods --
space between activity that is of doership
space between what is on the agenda to happen next--
space between wondering, questioning etc
space between any activity of the mind that can be possible
this is when one can see what is in there, REALLY see it
not just a little glimpse and one can then not be so caught up
in it
for projections only keep one running after an illusion
a body of water that is not truly there or living
but will only keep one thirsty for the substance
that really feeds the soul and brings the nourishment
to keep one steady and/or brings peace, calmness, quietude
all the sweet fruits of practice
a practice that has been at the center of one's life
without a break or a forgetting about it or
whatever excuse

we all live in this world that is very dedicated to the outer things
very much dedicated to the outer appearance be it beautiful, ugly
or any in betweens
dedicated to personal pleasures
we all have in our lives work, family, bills etc...
we live in the same world, but the one that does not accept this world
to be what is real and true and feels a strong pull to find the deeper reality
is the one that continues, continues, continues until nothing more is to be done
but to LIVE fully, without the agitation of thought waves
without the feeling of separation and the suffering that brings

this is the writing this evening blessed souls

here, there is still much intermittent slowing of mind/large gaps between thoughts,
as well as mental waves too...
and here, there is still the waiting and flowing with the practices
and what life brings...

may all be well
and enjoy the moment


  1. Namaste, thank you so much for this writing. very stilling and apt for the moment. OM.

  2. Namaste/\ Lovely lovely...experienced that love unconditional, expansive without boundries, so beautiful, so lovely with each line read...ah! thank you, Siddhananda, for sharing. Namaste/\ darci

  3. Namaste,
    Perfect for right now, thank you.

  4. namaste, Good to see all here. Thank you for the comments and may you have a nice, slow day... om shanti
