Tuesday, May 24, 2016

the sound of pure life

oh soul,
what blew in with the wind?
did it bring a sweet fragrance
to your senses and lull you to sleep
with that familiar lullaby of I-I-I?..
or did it bring with it a scythe
sharp and swift to cut that old
tree down that bears the fruit
of worldly vision?
my love,
what bears this kind of coming
is a gift wrapped in a package
ego cannot understand
or ever know
because it is the gift of life
the gift of cutting the fetters
of that tune so haunting and
masquerading in so many clothes
this coming of grace
will rent asunder the chains
that bring you to believe that
you are captive in this body-mind

now hear it coming
on the wind in the evening, day or
moments that flow;

i am here as that which rises above
the shadows
tossed aside by most and loved by few
but given to those that are completely
surrendered to me
those ones are the ones that will hear my
tune so very subtle to the ear, nose, mouth
and eyes
so very subtle to the tongue too
so very subtle to the organs of that
form of yours
because it is heard only in the heart of
that sound quiet, still and pristine
so violin-like, so harp-like, so dove-like
and so fruit ripened lovely and sweet, so
timeless in it's beauty
that sound completely denuded of the personal
that sound so lingering in the one that hears it
and secret and abundant in it's quake and waking
up of the entire being to be in love with it and to be
in it and of it
that sound singles itself out to be the holy of holies
measured only by itself, free of all boundaries and
spacial confinements
that sound placed rightly (always in the heart of all)
that sound complete
moving in it's fullness and heavenly spellbound
because it is lifted out of the confines of ego-nature ...
that sound that defies all conceptual arguments and logical
order that is mental in nature..
that sound crested with jewels that shines light-filled
that sound pride, jealousy, desire, vanity, affluence, poverty
covetousness, confusion, sinking low or rising high,
constraints of any sort or ways or anything imagined cannot
be touched by
that sound is the hearing and seeing and
knowing when one is out of the mind-spell
that sound, that tune is the remaining ground
is the remaining heart
the remaining fragrance ....
and nothing can be different from it
for this is the sound of life free
and always the best to be in


  1. Namaste - wow lovely and powerful thank you!

  2. namaste, thank you for reading... always good to see you here ... shanti om

  3. Namaste, thank you, really nice, feels like the words are penetrating here. OM.

  4. Namaste, a very nice one.


  5. namaste, thank you... good to see you here ..om

  6. Namaste, this sound is singing in the heart, of the heart. Sweet and nectarous. Full of pure beauty. Crisp and untouched. Not from the words but comes from in-between the sounds. Sweet like honey. But much more refine.. Thank you. Omm.
