Tuesday, May 24, 2016

amazing grace

he wanted only for *his life*
to be good and full of things 
that brought happiness 
he did not understand that true 
happiness resided in his own soul 
when the coverings fall away
and that what was termed 
*his life* 
was as false as the shadow 
that dies at the arising of light 
he did not know that 
wanting to cling to *his life* 
as a separate thing 
was what was bringing suffering 
so he went thru life this way 
but when the Guru came 
he found that he had misunderstood 
so much
as that which he thought was real
and true before 
was challenged to the core 
and began to fall away like 
meat from the bone 
he then was able to see clearly 
what is true and false 
and how he was his own worst 
enemy to believe the mind 
in his ignorance he did not know 
but once his eyes were opened 
as painful as it was to see 
his mistaken knowledge
he could no longer go back
to the traps that brought 
only a seeing that was 
caged in conceptual understandings
and conceptual judgements that 
arose from conditionings long ago
how very false they were 
he then moved forward 
into the heat of Kali's fire
sometimes not even aware 
that this flame was consuming 
the underpinnings of his world 
that was held up by false beams 
of thought and conditionings 
kali's fire was consuming these
beams and moorings 
little by little 
until the whole structure was to fall
into the sea that was the life force of all
in this walk to the truth 
he did not know his life was never truly his 
to begin with 
for what he called his world was a private thing
and this was not real
it was as a dreamer dreaming 
it was as an illusion on the hot dunes 
in the desert that one races after again and again
he was not aware of any of this 
until the Guru appeared 
and set his little private reality to flame 
had he not stepped into the flames 
where would he be now? 
lost in some other place within his head 
as all that are lost in the world 
set out to find that which can never 
be obtained 
and thru his deep desire to be free and 
out of suffering he came upon this path 
though he knew not what he was asking for 
and what that meant 
because before,
the righteous path was 
merely a *concept* in mind 
and now to *live* it and embody this truth
how completely different than a philosophy 
about it 
how completely more real this was
onward he went 
his private reality fading fast
as mist on the ocean
and this was a very good thing my friends 
as what replaces this world
that he has guarded and protected
so fiercely
is sat chit ananda
what amazing grace 
and what good fortune that has come
to his heart 


  1. Namaste - really nice thank you!

  2. Namaste, very nice, thank you. OM

  3. namaste, video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Doqa2ahitaI om shanti

  4. Namaste, very deep read. Very cutting through type of a writing. Very truth revealing. Greatful. Omm.
