Monday, August 10, 2015

not these things

dear, know that i speak to you 
of this one heart 
it is like a beautiful glow 
it is not of the world or the changing way 
it does not have a shape 
it is not as one believes it is or hopes for it 
to be 
it is not little or big or anything in between 
it is not within a body or a mind 
it is not within a concept, diagram
or a picture 
it is not in the spoken word or in 
it is not in temples or churches 
it is not in scrolls or libraries 
it is not in the earth or the sky or the 
heaven or the hell
it is not in the holy waters, 
the rituals, the prayers or the fires 
it is not in the towns or the cities 
it is not in the rain, the sun 
or the moon 
it is not in the distant or the near 
it is not in the love of other
it is not in the situation, the experience 
or the condition 
it is not in the meditation or the mantra 
it is not in the student or the teacher 
it is not in the holy, the unholy, the 
preacher or the nun 
it is not in the creature, the insect, 
the bird, the fish or the seasons 
it is not in the sitting or the standing 
it is not in the thinking or the not thinking 
it is not in the discrimination, the 
silence or the speech
it is not in the prison or the freedom 
it is not in the wise or the fool
it is not in the life or the death
it is not in the solid, the fluid or the 
it is not in the strength or the weakness 
it is not in the putting in or taking out 
it is not in the empty or the full
it is not in the renouncing or the holding 
it is not in the insight, the judgment, the knowledge 
the gathering in or the giving away 
it is not in the finger, the toes, the ears ,the eyes 
the face, the stomach, the chest
it is not in the eating, the drinking, the dancing, the 
it is not in the travel, the staying in or going out, 
it is not in anything that can be named, spelled out,
spoken, seen, distinguished, conveyed or anything like this 
it is not anything that can be known 
love it is not these things 
it is that which is prior to any relative knowledge 
that which is unborn, primal, whole, complete 
perfect ...
it is you minus the covering of mind 
oh friend if you knew of it and lived in it 
you would not want to ever come out again
you would be still and all would be as it should be 
you would be still and all would not be colored by
the lens of ego and false ways 
all would be as it should be 
oh friend if you knew of it and lived in it 
you would not want to ever come out again


  1. Namaste, thank you for the nice pointing. om

  2. namaste, thank you for reading .. great day to you and om

  3. Namaste- Really enjoyied this one, and like the neti neti feel to it too.Thank you for sharing
