Wednesday, August 12, 2015

eternal summer

within the one 
summer lives eternal
there is not the shade of mind 
to darken it's glow 
not one drop of personhood lives 
it is like an empty dance in which 
life sings in it's fullness
and there is great peace 
that does not waver 
hearken to this friend 
for you are made inside identical
to this beauty and are not made 
identical to sorrow 
this is not well at all
sorrow is the tangent that mind 
it is not your real self 
it is like a ray or shadow or 
empty song that drowns the love 
and light 
but soul
pure life is not to be touched 
by shadow 
not ever 
so you can begin here now if you
begin this journey that will bring 
you to still waters and make you
be present, seated in atman
then love shines pure and heart 
radiates outward leaving nothing 
that is left out of it's light 
when you come to this heart 
be open my friend 
for there is nothing to fear ever 
fear is simply a movement of shakti
an energy that has no power in itself 
to harm 
so do not be caught up in it 
know that in the heart 
pure intelligence works without 
a break
and this intelligence has the best 
in store for all...
but do not think you can understand 
it with thought for this will separate 
this light and put a barrier there 
just let all be 
just be 
and this power will come and rinse 
away the dross 
oh friend 
this is the greatest blessing in life 
to be cleaned of the aching mind 
how it is not to be a friend of 
yours (this ego)
it is not to be nurtured, not 
for a moment 
it is an ill-usion
soul be the light that you are 
be settled in this moment 
it is time to turn the tides in the 
direction of heart 
and no better time 
than now


  1. Namaste - yes - now! Thank you for this.

  2. Namaste- Nice pointings to stay out of mind and to rest in the heart, thank

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
