Tuesday, August 18, 2015

not messing around

this time my friend
is the last time
where mind will play it's tune
i know this well
i have not come here
to play around
i came from the ashes
of my suffering
and have risen up to be
purified in the light
i came with grit and sacrifice
i came with a sword of knowledge
it is in me now
and is to be set free and when it is
it will move sharp and swift
and cut the head of ego
for those that have eyes to see
and ears to hear the word
seekers, know me now as
Siddhananda, but know me
soon as that one that destroys
all wounds that burn and
create separation
because i will not put up with this
i am true indeed
and will come to free the souls
that listen
dears do not be afraid
i love you so much
and will free this illusion
soon, soon

sweet i may be and gentle
love, these are my outward
but souls, know me inside
as one that is like Kali
she is not a shy flower
she sits and waits
and when the fruit is ripe
she swings her sword of knowledge
and brings the mind to still
know me now as the sweet gentle
but lord help the one that comes in
my fires as he will burn in the purity
of heart and he will be set free
ego will not stand a chance
souls speak now if this is something
you fear
because i love you so much
and wish for your freedom
souls know that soon
i will not mess around
with any illusion
souls listen

soon my friends
heart will be set on fire
and the hands that were once weak
will be healing hands of light
these hands souls
will put the light in you
and make you burn too of
sweet heart
though this may sound uncomfortable
it is the best thing
because i came out of these fires
and i am not kidding
i am pure and will be purer
until there is no more work
and then those that are masquerading
will not want to be around me
and those that are sincere
these ones
will love me true
they will love me
in the heart

christian, muslim, sufi
saint, master
do you know the one?
see i do
he is like a timeless treasure
he is still
oh his light shines like heaven
he is one and i am one
when we dance together
he takes over my heart
and speaks for me
he is one and i am one
when he takes over my body
he sings his tune so sweet
like nature on the finest morning
he is not like a spirit
he is like me
beginning to finally wake up
he is me and i am him
see this is the precipice of the mountain
it is the time before i pass away
which means before the ego passes fully away
i am me kind of,
i am sometimes like before
but not really
one day you will understand
but know i have come for the good
to make the souls that are ready wake up
i am not here to play around
i am here to wake you up with a shake
and a shout that is in stillness
and this is the strongest way to be
because there is no doer inside
souls, remember these poems that
are to come
because soon i will not be the same
this is the best thing
i will be free finally
soon, soon

souls, my teacher is my best friend
i found her long ago
she is the pure one
oh souls, she is as still waters
i love her
she is detached in such a good way
she is my best friend

souls,  i have finally been blessed
in the way of being freed

soon, soon


  1. Namaste- Very potent indeed, thank you again.

  2. Namaste. ....Thank you. .strong. Second time reading this one. .gets in there.

  3. Namaste. ....Thank you. .strong. Second time reading this one. .gets in there.

  4. Namaste. ....Thank you. .strong. Second time reading this one. .gets in there.
