Tuesday, June 11, 2013


meet me here tonite
under the spreading tree 
within fullness and glory
where the fruit is heavy and ripe
ready to be eaten in joy
where the heart is not away 
and the mind is still and lost 
in the ocean of now 

meet me here tonite
in the cave where the sadhu dwells 
his torch lit to extinguish the dust of separation
his heart burning to know 
his mind dissolved in one truth 
his body left to the elements 
not as a thing to be seen as the self any longer 
dwelling in pure stillness 
here in the cave 

meet me here tonite 
in the open air
where the birds fly and caw 
and make their nests in the sky
and make their wings strong 
and make their soul to sing and sing
of God's love 
so glorious 
so fine in it's beautiful emptiness 
for all to hear 
this very same chant 
om namah shivaya
tonite is the time to be a wanderer 
of the earth 
within yourself
and take in the beautiful scent 
of non-dual reality
and let loose anything that sings of other
and let the moon live in you
and the stars and the earth 
the sky 
all that is here 
is in you 
meet me 


  1. Namaste- very grateful for these words on this quiet morning ... om namah shivaya -- shanti OM

  2. Namaste, Here too, very garetful for beautiful writing. shanti OM

  3. namaste - thank you for being here .. may stillness reign.. shanti om
