Saturday, June 8, 2013

the fires...

the king on his throne
he is not happy 
for he is to be like a man 
that is watchful of his kingdom
that could be captured and fall 
in the wrong hands 
he is not a man that is in peace 
when he sleeps 
he worries about his men and his 
world that he guards 
and when he is awake he is also worried 
that his world will change for the worst 
if he is not watchful
the man of God is not like this 
he has no world to protect or worry about 
as he has cast this to the fires of truth 
to be burned there 
leaving great stillness only 
then what has he to worry about?
all is in the hands of God 
and not his anymore to bear
for then there is only peace and the flow 
of life as it unfolds 
in it's wondrous way that has no mind 
or self-interest remaining..
the king he does not know about himself
in truth 
he is a certain kind of man
high up he feels and in power over something 
but this is not to bring quiet to his soul ever  
but only drives him into the fires
that are to churn up more separation
he lives unaware of his ways that are false 
like a man not seeing
and is taken to his death this way too 
and reborn to find another experience that is to 
bring him again to death or to great life 
his choice always 
but who knows as this is in his hands to see 
the man of God he has power over nothing 
and no one for there is nothing left to try to control
as this person that feels in control has died to the fires 
of purification and is gone forever 
what remains is great love, peace and rest 
whether he is walking, sitting, standing 
or whatever action is done by the body
he is not in it  -- only non-dual
consciousness remains
so what has he to do with the king?
he is not related to the king at all 
he is completely free of all that is up high or down low 
he is abiding in the pure essence 
as one heart and mind without thought 
he is the man of great seeing
the soul fire of truth 
and this is what is the best of all
there is no doubt 


  1. NAmaste, Was watching a film about Ramana, he was such a pure compassion and love. Brings tears just to hear about how he was or a thought of his image. Your writing reminded of him. THank you very much. Shanti OM

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  3. namaste, his light continues to guide and bring love and light to all... a great soul indeed.. shanti om

  4. Namaste, same as Guru G and SIddhahanda, guidning and bringing love and light to the once seeking. Ever grateful for being here. Thank you! OM
