Tuesday, June 25, 2013

striking the heart

a beautiful woman is one that is pure inside
she is the sun in the darkest night 
and the undying love 
in the merciless world of change
she shows the door to truth
and lets the non-dual vision
come forward to be known
as she moves, 
she creates a path of perfection
for all that are in the way of seeing clearly
she spends no time in mind 
and does not dwell on 
what just took place 
or what may happen 
how can this matter
when the heart is all that shines 
still and quiet?
when she takes the seeker in 
she is not different than him
she is not separate from his heart 
and this pure heart 
is what will be revealed 
as the seeker
lets go of his false ways 
when she loves, 
she loves not to possess or own 
but simply *is* love in it's raw way
which is unconditioned 
not as two 
not as two
as she speaks
her words are empty and filled with light 
as the first awakening 
of the dawn
lit with awe and striking the heart 
as om 
as kali strikes 
so does she in life's perfection 
this perfection is not to take away anything 
of value 
it comes back to itself 
as full completion 
in which nothing is lost 
but struggle

she comes like fresh rains 
and sprouting green growth
and the warm sun of spring 
that takes away the sting of winter
she stays well inside always
free and whole
she stays mindless of thought 
yet strong in intelligence 
how young she is in spirit 
how very pure 
in this light,
she is your true nature 
she lives in you 
as timeless reality 
she lives in you as the bright dawn of om
and the treasure of the uncreated 
she lives within you, my dear heart
as one
she lives within you
as the SELF


  1. namaste -- ma Kali -- Universal Mother -- pure cleansing one -- om Kali ommm
    grateful to read and be ... Shanti om

  2. namaste, thank you for reading -- great night and om

  3. Namaste, very grateful to read, very inspirational too. Thank you. OM

  4. namaste, you are welcome -- thank you for the comment.. shanti om

  5. namaste Guru Siddhananda, Thank you for these pointings - They inspire me to follow the path
    om shanti

  6. namaste, am happy to hear they resonate in this way -- one needs to have the fortitude to continue and keep the mind on the direction of light no matter the conditions and outer happenings -- may stillness reign
