in the world there are many types of souls
so many have excuses to not go forward
as they do not want to be challenged
most are caught up in romantic involvements or
within the whirlwind of
some kind of drama or other...
some kind of drama or other...
others sit back and worry all the time
or are uncertain..
some are self absorbed and caught up in the outer image
so many types of being in the world
well here is a group of souls that i can tell you about
they live in a place called wonderland on a hill
above the busy-ness of the world
they have been friends a long time and
do all sorts of things together
there is one soul in the bunch that is to be the wise one
he is not always present though at their gatherings
but more sought out for advice
but then this advice is always put to the inner world of the
soul that is asking and twisted about so as to
be nearly unrecognizable from the original
which is the general way of this group..
they end up following the most familiar path anyway
no matter how wise the advice given is
each member of this group has a certain outstanding
very distinct quality .
and this is the name given by the universe .....
joe or bob just does not seem to suit them...
why not call it out for what it is ...
the first soul is called *doubt* for he is back and forth
on every decision.. waffling about as one that is uncertain..
not firm in a thing ...
his stature is a bit hunched over ... not ever looking fully up at what
is before him... this is doubt...
the other gentleman is *pride* ...
he is just full of himself and feels there is nothing to compare to his fine
form and awesome features ...
the ladies, he feels are always looking up to him
as well as everybody else
as well as everybody else
he is the master of handsomeness and fine physique
a catch to be sure, feels he...
the other is *sloth*... he is never ready on time ... always dragging about
as if his legs were made of lead...
wanting to sleep in the middle of the day and getting up quite late
his energy is a bit wearisome to say the least...
still he has hung out with this group for many years ..
moving about like a slug...
the last soul in this fine bunch is called *absurd*...
this one is always right.. never is he wrong, not ever...
he has his philosophy and intellectual assumptions that he throws out
constantly ...
and he will take in very little in the way of advice ...
he wants to be the man on the podium that gives the sermon in church
or be the teacher among the crowd ...
that has so much knowledge to impart...
"listen friends", are always his first words.. this is the way it is with absurd
well here is the crew that live in this town called wonderland
and you can be certain the outings are not lacking in drama..
or color.. none within this group are seeking to know the light, this is for certain
so you can imagine the flurry that ensued when a new soul named no-one moved
in to the neighborhood..
this set the bunch on the edge of discomfort and wariness
about what this meant to their little familiar
well wrapped up world of outings and chattering about..
about what this meant to their little familiar
well wrapped up world of outings and chattering about..
now the advice giver that held some wisdom lived amongst them but
did not spend his days partaking in this drama filled talk
he spent time just being and living simply..
his name was *earth* .. a funny name but indeed it was fitting for him
because he was the only one that was down to earth...
and not chasing dreams and shadows all the time ..
he had no desire to chat about** how this should be this way** and
**how that should be that way**
he was content just being and this was all...
the group of souls in wonderland let very little change in their world
every morning they walked the dogs
then had coffee
then read the paper..
then took a walk
the general routine...
when they heard about no-one entering the scene they had a lot to say about it
i heard he's enlightened, said pride...
what?!, said absurd... listen friends, how can an enlightened soul be here in wonderland? i have only read about people like
this living in india or in a cave somewhere on the himalayas... not right here in our neighborhood..
what absurdity... what nonsense...
then sloth piped in ... why bother talking about this at all.. i am ready soon to eat and then take a nap..
this is not anything we need to bother about...
doubt said, oh no this sounds like something that makes me uneasy... i have not been feeling well and
do not want to hear about something so unsettling and *out there* such as this ... can we let this go?
but if we do let it go, i will still feel that this new presence is about, and oh what to do? continued doubt..
well this was the end of the conversation for now until later...
pride suggested they talk to earth about the situation...
they all agreed just as something to do about it
which does in no way mean they were open to truly *hearing* the advice given,
still, they gathered together and trotted off to earth's place in the morning...
the walk was lovely...
the sea sparkling in the distance... with smells of fresh life blooming and sweet scents from the
woods that stretched all around...
earth was in the doorway to his cabin waiting for the little group to arrive..
he smiled easily with his usual unperturbed style...
not really seeming to be involved in the whole affair, but still open appearing in manner and relaxed...
the first to speak was doubt... he walked back and forth with his usual non-committal style..
his head down not really seeing what was before him...
he cleared his throat and said... earth, it has come to our awareness that no-one has moved into wonderland .. the word is that he is an enlightened being... we are in a pickle as to what to do or how to approach his presence... we are not wanting to hear of ways that are different than ours .. for why?
we are fine with our routine and quite frankly have no idea what this odd being may have to say..
what he wants or doesn't want... the bottom line is, we are not interested in meeting him, yet feel uneasy about his being and living here ... what to do earth? you seem to be unrattled by changes like this...
this is why we brought our dilemma to you today... not that we will change anything about our stance..
earth spoke - doubt, why would you ask my advice about something that you have not one drop of interest in actually listening to or heeding? ... you say you are not interested in changing, yet you flit about like a lost soul back and forth in such unrest...
why doubt, would you indeed not want to hear of another way-- that may bring peace and quiet to your restless waters? ...
as these waters are literally drowning you in dark and unsettled ways...
is this really where you are wanting to remain?
doubt spoke, i am simply like this and do not seek to go beyond it .. this is my stance,..
then he looked reflective and said hmmmm... i guess sometimes i desire a bit of rest this is true, however i do not want to go and listen to very unfamiliar talk that speaks of ways that are foreign..
that stretch beyond our standard mode of thinking...
spoke earth, since you came here you must be in search of a word that helps to guide.. but you, doubt, continue to push away what is offered as you claim immediately it tastes sour to you ...
you make no effort in the least to venture beyond your enclosed world of comforts ..
that quite obviously have not brought refreshment to your soul...
why don't you go and wander about as you do back and forth continually in the forest and find an answer there? ... if this could happen that clarity came this way, you would not be here ... so very lame is your excuse, doubt that you put to shame any bit of intelligence you might have in there ... a closed up house you are with tightly bolted windows and doors .. how very isolated and lonely in its way...
then pride chimed in,... why bother with this something beyond business.. i have made of my body fine and shining so as to attract beautiful maidens with deep fluttering eyes, golden locks and warm arms that will hold me... this is the highest experience of my soul -- to feel loved --
this no-one you speak of ... he can offer nothing -- as he cannot bring affection and warmth like another can ...i am a lover and cannot change.. i have no desire to welcome a man of God ...
he cannot change anything that has meaning to me...
earth spoke, pride your argument is not justified as the arms that hold you will not be eternal...
they will go when the mood of romance changes... and turn sour when the heart becomes overshadowed by desire of another or of something different... so very weak is your excuse not to open to no-one and that romance has the highest experience in life ...
this what is to make of your world a weary one of highs and lows
ridden with pleasures and aching pain..
where within there is no center or anything that rings of lasting beauty, deep wisdom and peace...
no, pride .. i cannot accept your reasoning as right... you can indeed venture out seeking a warm body all of your days as this is your free right to pursue... but your argument that romance is the highest is completely false ... truth needs no-one and it lives as incomparable beauty, pure love and deep compassion... there is no
maiden that can compare to *truth*, no matter how fair and glowing...
sloth spoke slow and drawling ... oh my gosh, i am getting sleepy with all this nonsense talk.. i mean why bother with it all?.. i just want to enjoy my friends and good food and sleep... what is this all about.. there is no need for a man of truth here .. he has nothing to offer me when i am quite comfortable the way i am...
spoke earth,.. your comforts are like rugs that are to be pulled when the time comes to meet the maker sloth... you may feel yourself to be a prince of your world, but not in the least will you be in the world beyond ... all that you pull to you to bring solace and comfort are like dust in the wind ...
then what sloth?... what are you to do when all of it goes?...
absurd spoke, listen friends, i know all about this spiritual knowledge stuff.. it has to do with finding yourself or something like this ... i do not care about it ... i know what i know and there is no-one that will tell me different... i have read many books about every subject, so my knowledge base is broad and stretching ... i am a knower .. and do not need anyone else telling me about how the world is or is not
absurd, said earth... you are not a knower.. true knowledge does not come by gathering and collecting facts .. it comes by opening and quieting the mind ... your excuse that you know it all and that there is nothing else to know is beyond stubborn.. like a boat tied to a dock, you will not leave the port with this attitude ... you will be sunk and find yourself in great suffering with many thoughts flocking about your head and giving you no rest... and at the end of your life your bits of knowledge you have collected have no power in aiding you to move on peacefully beyond the world...
well this was the scene at earths place ... not much entered into the souls that were present ... and they left sunken feeling and a bit at a loss for words for once ...
quietly they strode to their homes and set their heads on their pillows with dreams of all sorts and varieties ...
pride - dreamed he was caught in a gale that tossed him about like a dry leaf and woke shuddering and sweating so as to call out .. oh my gosh what a nightmare...
absurd dreamed he had lost his way to school and roamed about in the forest like a lost puppy looking for his mother... sleeping without shelter and shivering in the cold air.. he woke startled and breathing heavily, shifting about in his bed...
doubt dreamed he lived in a beautiful foreign land where the faces were open, kind and giving ... with a flow of wonderful fruits and hearty vegetables ... and warm rains and glorious sun filled endless days...
he woke more refreshed than he had ever been and said to himself, now this is unusual, how wonderful...
sloth dreamt he ran a marathon and needed little to eat ... at the end of it, he flew over huge mountains and looked down with great ease on the entire expanse of land.... he felt great energy and peace surging within... he woke to the alarm clock that said 11:00 am ... oh my, he said to himself, it is so late. i have missed so much of the day.. and he was surprised at himself how he wanted to get out into life and breathe the fresh air...
the little group met in the day to walk as usual ... all were quieter than normal....
doubt said, you know i have been thinking, possibly we should open up to this no-one... it doesn't mean we haveto change anything, right? i mean we can still be friends, hang out and do the same things..
pride offered his words that said, maybe this is best .. to at least be neighborly and ring the bell.. bring some tea and cookies or something as an offering to aide him to feel welcome...
sloth said, yes, indeed! in such an invigorated voice that was so not of the norm for him that all stopped and looked speachless for a bit...
then absurd spoke.. listen friends... this sounds like a cohesive plan that may aide to set our minds at ease and bring in more spacious light and harmony... and with this flow of confident words, he surprised everyone including himself ...
they all shook their heads in affirmation and set about to hunt for some treats to bring to no-one as a welcoming greeting...
they called on him in the evening ..
his house was lit up with warm lights that flooded thru the windows...
the foliage was green and full around the house and the frogs could be heard croaking in the back...
when no-one answered the door, he looked very ordinary...
he was wearing nothing that stood out to the eye...
his home was comfortable and quite simple ...
he asked the group to sit down, and welcomed all to enjoy the nice gift of treats they brought...
then there was a rich silence that filled the room... which indeed this little troop was totally unaccustom to .... nothing was said for a long time ...
then absurd spoke and said ... we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and hope you are happy here ...
no-one said that he was indeed happy, but he was at peace no matter where he was as all was the same within... nothing changed...
absurd knew not what to say to this .. but eventually got out the words, that must be nice..
no-one smiled..
then doubt said, dear sir, we heard you are enlightened, is this true?
no-one said that this was true and that all this meant is that the mind forever abides in stillness...
doubt said, this sounded unusual and also a bit enchanting ...
he continued, is this something that any common creature can obtain or is it a special thing that only foreigners from far off places and lands can find...
no-one laughed, and said it is the natural state of all ...all can come to it, if sought in sincerity and with earnest efforts....
well, said sloth... my, how wonderful this sounds... and then his voice trailed off as he lost his train of thought, and he sat staring the rest of the time in emptiness..
then pride said, sir we were a bit uneasy about meeting you as it just sounded so very unfamiliar and we are set in our ways... we are most relieved to find you ordinary and very pleasant ...
may we come again one day and seek to find out more of what you are speaking?
no-one said, of course, that his door was open to any that are sincere...
then they all left and wandered their way lost to a new possibility on the horizon...
the days passed with the group sitting in no-ones cabin and asking questions...
and this is where this story ends friends, left open like this...
how far they go, it is up to each soul...
as it is certain their set ways will be deeply challenged ...
but once the seed of truth is planted and a true master manifests.... it continues to haunt in its own way..
until the truth is discovered and the soul is set free ...
this is all friends of the heart this evening ...
that is flowing...
many blessings in this beautiful wonderland of life...
which does in no way mean they were open to truly *hearing* the advice given,
still, they gathered together and trotted off to earth's place in the morning...
the walk was lovely...
the sea sparkling in the distance... with smells of fresh life blooming and sweet scents from the
woods that stretched all around...
earth was in the doorway to his cabin waiting for the little group to arrive..
he smiled easily with his usual unperturbed style...
not really seeming to be involved in the whole affair, but still open appearing in manner and relaxed...
the first to speak was doubt... he walked back and forth with his usual non-committal style..
his head down not really seeing what was before him...
he cleared his throat and said... earth, it has come to our awareness that no-one has moved into wonderland .. the word is that he is an enlightened being... we are in a pickle as to what to do or how to approach his presence... we are not wanting to hear of ways that are different than ours .. for why?
we are fine with our routine and quite frankly have no idea what this odd being may have to say..
what he wants or doesn't want... the bottom line is, we are not interested in meeting him, yet feel uneasy about his being and living here ... what to do earth? you seem to be unrattled by changes like this...
this is why we brought our dilemma to you today... not that we will change anything about our stance..
earth spoke - doubt, why would you ask my advice about something that you have not one drop of interest in actually listening to or heeding? ... you say you are not interested in changing, yet you flit about like a lost soul back and forth in such unrest...
why doubt, would you indeed not want to hear of another way-- that may bring peace and quiet to your restless waters? ...
as these waters are literally drowning you in dark and unsettled ways...
is this really where you are wanting to remain?
doubt spoke, i am simply like this and do not seek to go beyond it .. this is my stance,..
then he looked reflective and said hmmmm... i guess sometimes i desire a bit of rest this is true, however i do not want to go and listen to very unfamiliar talk that speaks of ways that are foreign..
that stretch beyond our standard mode of thinking...
spoke earth, since you came here you must be in search of a word that helps to guide.. but you, doubt, continue to push away what is offered as you claim immediately it tastes sour to you ...
you make no effort in the least to venture beyond your enclosed world of comforts ..
that quite obviously have not brought refreshment to your soul...
why don't you go and wander about as you do back and forth continually in the forest and find an answer there? ... if this could happen that clarity came this way, you would not be here ... so very lame is your excuse, doubt that you put to shame any bit of intelligence you might have in there ... a closed up house you are with tightly bolted windows and doors .. how very isolated and lonely in its way...
then pride chimed in,... why bother with this something beyond business.. i have made of my body fine and shining so as to attract beautiful maidens with deep fluttering eyes, golden locks and warm arms that will hold me... this is the highest experience of my soul -- to feel loved --
this no-one you speak of ... he can offer nothing -- as he cannot bring affection and warmth like another can ...i am a lover and cannot change.. i have no desire to welcome a man of God ...
he cannot change anything that has meaning to me...
earth spoke, pride your argument is not justified as the arms that hold you will not be eternal...
they will go when the mood of romance changes... and turn sour when the heart becomes overshadowed by desire of another or of something different... so very weak is your excuse not to open to no-one and that romance has the highest experience in life ...
this what is to make of your world a weary one of highs and lows
ridden with pleasures and aching pain..
where within there is no center or anything that rings of lasting beauty, deep wisdom and peace...
no, pride .. i cannot accept your reasoning as right... you can indeed venture out seeking a warm body all of your days as this is your free right to pursue... but your argument that romance is the highest is completely false ... truth needs no-one and it lives as incomparable beauty, pure love and deep compassion... there is no
maiden that can compare to *truth*, no matter how fair and glowing...
sloth spoke slow and drawling ... oh my gosh, i am getting sleepy with all this nonsense talk.. i mean why bother with it all?.. i just want to enjoy my friends and good food and sleep... what is this all about.. there is no need for a man of truth here .. he has nothing to offer me when i am quite comfortable the way i am...
spoke earth,.. your comforts are like rugs that are to be pulled when the time comes to meet the maker sloth... you may feel yourself to be a prince of your world, but not in the least will you be in the world beyond ... all that you pull to you to bring solace and comfort are like dust in the wind ...
then what sloth?... what are you to do when all of it goes?...
absurd spoke, listen friends, i know all about this spiritual knowledge stuff.. it has to do with finding yourself or something like this ... i do not care about it ... i know what i know and there is no-one that will tell me different... i have read many books about every subject, so my knowledge base is broad and stretching ... i am a knower .. and do not need anyone else telling me about how the world is or is not
absurd, said earth... you are not a knower.. true knowledge does not come by gathering and collecting facts .. it comes by opening and quieting the mind ... your excuse that you know it all and that there is nothing else to know is beyond stubborn.. like a boat tied to a dock, you will not leave the port with this attitude ... you will be sunk and find yourself in great suffering with many thoughts flocking about your head and giving you no rest... and at the end of your life your bits of knowledge you have collected have no power in aiding you to move on peacefully beyond the world...
well this was the scene at earths place ... not much entered into the souls that were present ... and they left sunken feeling and a bit at a loss for words for once ...
quietly they strode to their homes and set their heads on their pillows with dreams of all sorts and varieties ...
pride - dreamed he was caught in a gale that tossed him about like a dry leaf and woke shuddering and sweating so as to call out .. oh my gosh what a nightmare...
absurd dreamed he had lost his way to school and roamed about in the forest like a lost puppy looking for his mother... sleeping without shelter and shivering in the cold air.. he woke startled and breathing heavily, shifting about in his bed...
doubt dreamed he lived in a beautiful foreign land where the faces were open, kind and giving ... with a flow of wonderful fruits and hearty vegetables ... and warm rains and glorious sun filled endless days...
he woke more refreshed than he had ever been and said to himself, now this is unusual, how wonderful...
sloth dreamt he ran a marathon and needed little to eat ... at the end of it, he flew over huge mountains and looked down with great ease on the entire expanse of land.... he felt great energy and peace surging within... he woke to the alarm clock that said 11:00 am ... oh my, he said to himself, it is so late. i have missed so much of the day.. and he was surprised at himself how he wanted to get out into life and breathe the fresh air...
the little group met in the day to walk as usual ... all were quieter than normal....
doubt said, you know i have been thinking, possibly we should open up to this no-one... it doesn't mean we haveto change anything, right? i mean we can still be friends, hang out and do the same things..
pride offered his words that said, maybe this is best .. to at least be neighborly and ring the bell.. bring some tea and cookies or something as an offering to aide him to feel welcome...
sloth said, yes, indeed! in such an invigorated voice that was so not of the norm for him that all stopped and looked speachless for a bit...
then absurd spoke.. listen friends... this sounds like a cohesive plan that may aide to set our minds at ease and bring in more spacious light and harmony... and with this flow of confident words, he surprised everyone including himself ...
they all shook their heads in affirmation and set about to hunt for some treats to bring to no-one as a welcoming greeting...
they called on him in the evening ..
his house was lit up with warm lights that flooded thru the windows...
the foliage was green and full around the house and the frogs could be heard croaking in the back...
when no-one answered the door, he looked very ordinary...
he was wearing nothing that stood out to the eye...
his home was comfortable and quite simple ...
he asked the group to sit down, and welcomed all to enjoy the nice gift of treats they brought...
then there was a rich silence that filled the room... which indeed this little troop was totally unaccustom to .... nothing was said for a long time ...
then absurd spoke and said ... we wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and hope you are happy here ...
no-one said that he was indeed happy, but he was at peace no matter where he was as all was the same within... nothing changed...
absurd knew not what to say to this .. but eventually got out the words, that must be nice..
no-one smiled..
then doubt said, dear sir, we heard you are enlightened, is this true?
no-one said that this was true and that all this meant is that the mind forever abides in stillness...
doubt said, this sounded unusual and also a bit enchanting ...
he continued, is this something that any common creature can obtain or is it a special thing that only foreigners from far off places and lands can find...
no-one laughed, and said it is the natural state of all ...all can come to it, if sought in sincerity and with earnest efforts....
well, said sloth... my, how wonderful this sounds... and then his voice trailed off as he lost his train of thought, and he sat staring the rest of the time in emptiness..
then pride said, sir we were a bit uneasy about meeting you as it just sounded so very unfamiliar and we are set in our ways... we are most relieved to find you ordinary and very pleasant ...
may we come again one day and seek to find out more of what you are speaking?
no-one said, of course, that his door was open to any that are sincere...
then they all left and wandered their way lost to a new possibility on the horizon...
the days passed with the group sitting in no-ones cabin and asking questions...
and this is where this story ends friends, left open like this...
how far they go, it is up to each soul...
as it is certain their set ways will be deeply challenged ...
but once the seed of truth is planted and a true master manifests.... it continues to haunt in its own way..
until the truth is discovered and the soul is set free ...
this is all friends of the heart this evening ...
that is flowing...
many blessings in this beautiful wonderland of life...
namaste, this was written several years ago... kind of a fun little story...
ReplyDeleteNamaste, great way to put the journey, really enjoyed. Thank you! OM.