Friday, March 31, 2017

no quick fix

here i write with all my love
of what happens when mind is falling away
there are great gaps in thoughts, there is still a flow of mind
when mind is present it is the same as before
within the same heaviness and all consuming
there are times when this suddenly stops
abruptly as a road ends and there is nowhere else to go
nothing heard as thought

there are still dreams vivid and all consuming
there are still some visions
they flow at any time no matter where one is at
sometimes of natural imagery that consumes the form
and mind
one recently, there was a body that was kneeling down
some knobby roots were sticking out of the earth
this form grabbed hold of the roots tightly
then there were shifts that took place in consciousness
openings and light coming forward to begin the journey
also, much greenery, growth sprang forward as the spirit
realm became more of a primary focus
and buildings rows and rows of them that were being covered
in water until the building could not be seen any longer
so these visions still flow off and on
however very much more infrequently than before

there are still bodily changes and hardships, sensitivities
there are still the same challenges
the biggest hallmark at this stage, is the intermittent slowing
down of the running river of mind
and spaces of drying up and then running, circling and then
slowing again
this is where it is now

this my friends is a very long journey indeed
it is not like a quick fix that the mind desires
it is ridden with many many many hardships and trials
that one cannot know
for one does not know what lies hidden deep in the unconscious
tendencies of lifetimes that drive one to be attracted to this
and avoid that
and all of the drama games that come to the personality
all of this gets dislodged to be looked at and reviewed and

one cannot pick out how this journey is to go or pick and
choose what they want to get rid of and what they want to keep
for all of it is exposed and if attached to will create an uneasy vibration
that creates suffering
so if one is sincere about completion, there must be a full knowing that
one will continue to the end no matter what comes

this is the writing that flowed for now

hope all are well and within spirit heart...

om shanti


  1. Namaste, thank you for sharing this, very useful for those following. OM.

    1. namaste, thank you for appreciating the writing... great day and om
