Friday, February 3, 2017

true in truth..

written down are all things communicated
and all things praised, shunned or preached 
yet  there is nothing written on the unspoken language 
for it cannot be communicated in words 
present always without a voice it is though 
oh my friend 
present with perfect living light it is 

he spoke so many things to the devotees with his 
gestures of love 
he said words that were eloquent, breathtaking, 
free of workings of maya
yet what is true there, my darling is not what you
what is true in truth is that silence holds nothing 
that  you can know 

words wander away and create an image or a thing 
to be understood 
yet under that is something that cannot be spoken of 
it is free of this wandering or thinking type of speech
free of pictures, imaginings 
it is free of all of this 
and it is secret, felt only by those ones that are 
not interested in the world or captured there 
but have been purified fully
and are detached within stillness

you may travel about all you can and 
find treasures on islands and climb high to the 
mountain top 
and  go low into the ocean and go to anywhere you 
but when the mind is still and free within 
there, all the riches live that can be tasted 
touched, held and breathed in
there, are all the places that are beautiful live
and all the intrinsic knowledge of the saints, buddhas
masters, ancient worlds and fragrance of the nature mother 
in her perfect workings live 
and fragrance of writings that are non-dual and blessed 
and fragrance of the aloneness or kevala
that leaves one to simply be without levels,
layers, differences and all sorts of playing out that is confused
when one is in this reality, there is nowhere needed to go 
as all moves within the same perfect heart 
not one step here or there or in between will change 
this reality


  1. Namaste, thank you for this. OM.

  2. Namaste, thank you for this writing. A very unifying message. Om shanti. Liza
