Friday, February 24, 2017

one rose

in the flow of the universe all things have their time 
and place to be born 
and nothing can stop what is a law of god 
no man, woman, strength, might, resistance 
so we move with the universe as the willows do 
bending with the winds that sing thru them 
we bend with the tides of change 
and not allow our hearts to be overshadowed by 
that which comes, be it ugly, beautiful or anything else 
for there will be a time when that particular manifestation
changes and blooms to something else 
as all opposites turn to the other direction in time 
and all things that are seen now are dying and rebirthing too

as the surface waves play and bring up appearances 
of so many things 
oh one that is true 
you reside deep and alone, free of the passing fancies of change 
and all else that rises there 
deep inside the freedom-heart as a one that is in a secret consciousness 
not of the world though seemingly so 
you move with the form and yet are not that movement 
you speak with the lips and yet are not those words 
you bloom in a variety of ways that are like the lovely fruits on the trees 
that hold so many wonders 
and yet remain untouched by this play of color 
you descend too like the leaf on the branches spiraling down to 
dirt, dust decay, death and then gone 
and yet are not at all cast in shadows of those images of ending and 
beginning any more than the sky is touched by the clouds 
oh true one 
deep beneath the waves of phenomenal play you rest 
and those that have and are resting there know full well
this light of one 
resting as a presence of love, life and freedom everlasting

one bloom, oh world 
one rose for you kept as a secret treasure 
of forgotten purity 
continuously, it blooms
without need of water or attention
quietly, it blooms, delicate, rich, life-filled 
without company it lives 
alone as itself
as the freedom-heart 
as the heart of all

1 comment:

  1. Namaste, nice message to stay within. thank you for this. OM.
