we have but a little time in this
form/body now
so we are to use it wisely and not
waste our moments on forgetting
the self and getting carried away
by the currents of thought
for life is a precious opportunity
to gain realization of the SELF
and we should be cognizant always
of this opportunity
as we have all that we need at our
disposal (to move forward)
there is not one thing that is not available
to go inward
for all one needs is awareness and the right
intention or longing
then we can flow forward to the beauty of
what we are given in body is important
to live in this earthly realm
but what we have been given in spirit far
outweighs this
for spirit is the lasting presence that will go
on and on
and we are to nourish that well with heart, love
care, attention, and all that we have as tools to
bring the mind to stillness
what is before us as obstacles does not matter
for those obstacles are indeed a jump of point
and help one to be of good strength, character
and sturdy presence that will not be moved
by transient happenings
obstacles are opportunities to see one can indeed
find strength in all experiences, not just the pleasant
and to become equal-minded about life and all that
Buddha spoke of equal-mindedness to be not
hankering after what feels good all the time
and not having aversion to what is seemingly
painful or unpleasant
these colorings of experience are mental in nature
these colorings of experience are mind-made
these coloring of experience are unreal and die away
these coloring of experience are mixed with the personal
these colorings of experience are the making of suffering
equal-mindedness is what is known as the middle-way
not too far this way or too far that way
so many things come along the way to experience
but the path truly is very simple
and all comes down to, open heart, quietude,
breathing, one step at a time, awareness, using
tools given,
love, care.. and surrender, surrender, surrender
om shanti
Namaste, thank you for this reminder to practice in each moment. OM.