Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Let us unwind

what i say to you my dear
is the day will come when your 
world crumbles 
the day will come when your 
person so thought of as real
will be unknown to you any longer 
he/she will not have any more space 
to be intrusive on your reality 
this day that turns to something different 
as the sky turns to gold, orange, pink
amber, violet all at once and in one 
moment is the day you know without 
a doubt that the world you made your 
home in is mist/ephemeral/liquid air 
and when this happens, you are blessed
because you can finally breathe in something 
different that is ripe, full and is not bound 
by anything that has been created by egoic 
how very beautiful 
and how very mysterious 

oh friend 
lets let our world unwind as the snake 
consumes itself and then what remains 
is nothing that can be named 
but only silence 
and we will then free ourselves from this 
powerful dream we have been living under 
and then we can really enjoy life for it's 
wondrous beauty that it is 
not tethered by the transient play of illusion
that calls and taunts and puts it's way in our face 
to be a nuisance, so disruptive it is 
we will unwind like a tape unrolling itself 
and falling to pieces right before our very eyes 
and we will not pull it back to cover our beauty 
ever again
for we freed ourselves from all that was in our
bodies and in our minds and in our soul
that was heavy
then we will go out and be as love is so free 
unconditional  like the saints, the masters, 
the stars, the ocean, the moon, the heavens 
the great heart of all 
we will indeed my dear heart

we stoop low at the gate to enter for we are not 
anything that is important in ourselves as an ego
or body, so we will bend our form and enter to be 
refreshed heartily in those waters of purity 
and we will drink deeply until our mouths
no longer ache of thirst
and we will bathe under this freshness that runs 
so plentiful 
we will bring nothing with us when we enter 
but see, my dear this is not enough to stay here 
because we must 
go on to that cliff and free ourselves of this form 
identity so burdensome and reeking of attachment 
that has truly left a residue of something that makes 
us forget our true self 
and we must go over that cliff into the unknown 
yes, we will
and then what remains is that freedom true 
that has no face or name or covering  
then we will never be divided any longer 
into that forgetfulness 
now come friend, let us unwind until 
there is no more unwinding left 
and then we are nothing any longer 
to be counted as an ego-body 
we are simply what God is 
pure stillness 
undivided, life 


  1. Namaste, thank you for these writings, resonate deep within. OM.

  2. Namaste, thank you for these Grace filled writings. Greateful. Om shanti. Liza
