Tuesday, November 29, 2016

the death that brings life

dear friend,
do not fear death
for it is not what you think
in terms of taking life away
instead, it is a cleansing of the soul
it is like a friend to the seeker who is
open in mind and heart
it comes willingly to any who are absorbed
in the good work of clearing away the dross
and are walking the path in love
not having aversions to the hard ways or being
taken over by the pleasureful experiences
as the doctor administers to the wound a great
antiseptic that burns greatly
and it hurts to have it touched to the skin
so spirit administers salve that burns too
and wears down the dead ways of revolving energies
that keep surfacing and creating ill-usion
and what is in the bag of spirit medicine is
indeed death/surrender/letting go
it is a salve to the one that does not run from it
for it dries out or (pulls the energy that is cycling)
out of the mind to be not present any longer
and leaves a fresh flow of life there
for the mind cannot do this alone, it has nothing in there
that is of grace
grace is what gives it life to even be
and grace is what turns it towards itself to continue
it's course of engulfing or eating itself to be destroyed
the physician of heart (or spirit) will never take away
anything that is of life, light, love, joy, quietude,
peace, healing
as it is only a working that takes away the covers to this
for those that seek to aide others can do that on a certain level
but first the soul needs healing in their own self
to be able to be a light to others
and this is where the focus is needed is internal
not always working on an outside phenomena

death will be what is encountered for sure in time
but to be in fear and always running away from it is
not a beneficial thing
to be distracted always is not a beneficial thing
as this will only come again and again to your being
and to allow it to wash the dross away
is like a wave
that cleanses
and spirit is the end result and is the beginning result
and the in between
and never has there been this thing called ego
which is death (in a different way)
not a true way


  1. Namaste, thank you. Beautiful image. Vibrant. Appreciated the stillness that comes along the read. Om shanti. Liza

  2. Namaste - yes nice image to go with a very nice piece.

  3. Namaste/\ Lovely, gentle pointing /\
