Friday, November 11, 2016

all that is good

spirit language is different than words/thoughts/ego-language
it flowers of love, blessings and rainbows of beauty and color
it flowers of seasons of nature
it flowers of night/day/moon cycles
it flowers of wondrous bright stars against a dark sky
it flowers of stillness that unfolds into doorways
open to the cosmos
where one sees into the mysteries free of boxes
free of dense forms/objects
free of birth, death and mundane seeing
kept as a secret inside the soul
and bursting out when the energies are in tune
with light
oh then spirit sings
of all that is good


  1. Namaste -nice piece and great timing to offset the negativity of the events of the country this week.

  2. Namaste and Thank you for this. Very beautiful. And very appreciated. Om. Liza

  3. Namaste/\ flowing with liberation-very nice : ) /\
