Wednesday, July 27, 2016

another wave

my friend,
do you have a story to tell?
well i do too
of the time when sorrow is no more 
and the mind with it's way of dividing 
up men, women into classifications of 
color, creed, religion, philosophies, lands 
and all 
comes to a stop
because what is seen by the physical eyes and felt 
by the senses is so very 
limited in it's capacity to grasp the essence of the 
it is very much confined to judgement that stems 
from body attachment and attachment to kin, land,
and all that is temporal in nature 

we can only hope that more come to the path of truth 
and begin to see inside their own soul and begin to clear 
away the debris of mistaken understanding that clouds clarity 

we can only hope that more come forward as lights 
and take that walk towards a greater good that is 
very difficult beyond imagining, yet steeped in grace and 
fragrance of life that goes so much deeper than the surface playing 

we can only hope that more come to the waters of light to 
bathe and wash away impurities of ignorance, the ignorance 
of dualistic preoccupations that indeed draw lines between mine and yours 
and here and there which puts in place all the consequences of warring division
that is seen and felt as waves and vibrations thru the land 

we can only hope that more begin to face their own limited views, question them
relentlessly so as to open up more space to breathe and see clearer

we can only hope that more come to be quieter inside and see the world in a 
heart-centered way and see souls in a heart-centered way
for even with all the drama in the world that is disturbing on so many levels 
we must begin (and continue) where we are at and forge onward thru the mud 

we are made of so much more souls
i know you agree
we are made of soul-fire, grit, beauty, love, understanding, kali-energy, kundalini,
heaven-nature, heart and pure spirit truly

so we must continue on (to find) and refresh in the living waters 
that will indeed wash away doership/ego-based mentality and actions so another 
wave can be put into motion of light, light..... 

for this wave is there still working underneath and rinsing the spell of ego away 
under this dust of worldly views and activities...
believe in it --- come to it .... 
be the light that you are ....


  1. Namaste, thank you. Hope the rivers of living waters wash away the ego drama. Om.

  2. namaste, yes, may people open their hearts to this...shanti om

  3. Namaste, thank you. Transmission is felt always while reading. Greatful.

  4. Namaste - great pointings definitely needed during this time!
