Saturday, March 5, 2016

sweet song of life

ah, the writing is coming,
i feel it there like a sweet song of life 
see the strings of my heart speak to me 
so beautifully and the words come so free 
and so i write 
barely seeing what is coming out 
for this is not of my doing 
these hands move to the tune of life 
and the tune is one of non-dual suchness
created by no one 
the valley so fresh and green vibrates of it also
and the majestic mountain range against a 
deep blue sky is filled with it 
the ocean too, sings of it in it's waves and in 
it's rich colorful life so mysterious 
and the moon, how bright with fullness and 
a touch of that intimacy that melts the 
feeling of distance 
that moon shines so beautiful and melts on 
the waters it's light 
ah, divine indeed 
if you feel this vibration in you too my dear 
i suspect you are not under the spell of ego 
but you are dancing to this music 
it cannot be measured or poured into a glass to drink
yet it can be drunk deeply in the soul 
like wine tart and robust 
and like honey thick with 
and like love too, how it makes every cell
come alive 
and makes one forget all worries 
this my dear is the music 
and now may we enjoy it 
and let it move us


  1. Namaste - beautiful music - and yes may we enjoy it!

  2. Namaste, tune in. Thank you. Beautiful!

  3. Namaste, nice music. thank you. om
