Wednesday, September 30, 2015

untouched spirit

i do not know you my dear
spoke the absolute
i know only this joy, this abundance
this love so pure and holy
this great still presence that exists
if i knew you, i would come to your
mind and say
do not entertain this drama you hold
any longer
set it free, release it to the heart
set it free, release it to the beauty of life
set it free, release it to the one essence of all
set it free, release it to the single source
because when you entertain this drama
it holds some significance in your mind
it holds some kind of reality that is to take
you to believe in it
and when it is believed in, a certain kind of life
blooms there
and more of this drama is created in your spirit
God exists not of this drama world that revolves
but lives in beauty and love eternal
and his son Jesus died on the cross and rises
up in heart and love as to say
"there is no death"
this imagery or energy of resurrection is one
that is to be taken in and felt deeply in your soul
so that you know, that this aching heart that is of the
world is only a shadow and not true
what exists is this heart so bright and wondrous
like the risen Christ, you are free always and never
suffered at all
like the risen Christ, you are as the dove, fresh,
holy, not bound by the physical and in all places
at all times and not touched too
like the risen Christ, you do not have wounds of the world
or anything that happened to you
only the body which is a vehicle for spirit was touched
the *car* that spirit drove for a time in order to navigate
this realm of the world which is not at all solid
was touched, but never pure spirit
like the risen Christ, you rise from the aching, the hurt,
the pain to be lifted out and in beauty
to be lifted out and in single flow
to be lifted out and in shanti light
to be lifted out and in the nectar of stillness
to be lifted out and in freedom everlasting
to be lifted out and in such peace that does not waver
to be lifted out and in such joy that is lasting
to be lifted out and in deathless presence so light-filled
to be lifted out and in timelessness of all
to be lifted out and in comely light so full
to be lifted out and in mother light of all
to be lifted out and in shiva moon so full
to be lifted out and in crystal clear clarity
to be lifted out and in the beauty of all
this is it dear hearts
you are not this suffering form, not ever
so be like you truly are which is the Self
and do not go back to entertain this drama
so paltry is it that it turns to dust so easily
when touched by the light of God
and it does not return
all of the wisdom imparted comes from this light
so pure
and it is flowing to your heart now
taste it and *Live* it
it is flowing now and always...


  1. Namaste, thank you for this Grace. it is refreshing to hear that God/Self is not aware or touched by any of this mental drama and that one can rise out of this. OM

  2. Namaste - joyous message thank you!

  3. namaste, always welcome ... great evening and om

    1. Namaste, it is a good reminder again and again, the self is not this body with its drama. At one point it will sink in all the way :-) Something has to click and drop. Very greatful. Thank you. Omm.

    2. namaste, yes, with the timing of grace it will .. om shanti

  4. Namaste- Really nice piece, which gives the impetus to keeping moving forward. Thank you. Om
